Queensland notices

State notices for Queensland made under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).

Acronym used in tables: MDL – Mass, dimension and loading.

Title and description Gazette reference Category Carriage required

New South Wales and Queensland Class 3 4.6m High Loaded Semi-Trailer Dimension Exemption Notice 2024 (No.1)

Exempts a stated category of Class 3 heavy vehicles from the height limit stated in section 8 of Schedule 6 of the Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation.

Please note the following supporting document for this Notice:

C2024G00116 MDL No

Queensland Class 1 and Class 3 Gympie Bypass Notice 2024 (No.1)

Provides access to the Gympie Bypass for eligible vehicles that have a Class 1 or Class 3 mass or dimension exemption permit (permit) under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).

Please note the following supporting document for this Notice:

C2024G00661 MDL No

Queensland Class 1 Pole Erecting Vehicle Dimension Exemption Notice 2022 (No. 1)

Exempts heavy vehicle combinations used to carry power poles from stated prescribed dimension requirements in Schedule 6 of the MDL.

C2022G00505 MDL No

Queensland Class 1 (Port of Brisbane) Mass and Dimension Exemption Notice 2025 (No.1)

Provides exemptions for eligible Class 1 heavy vehicles to operate at increased mass and dimension limits on roads managed by the Port of Brisbane, Queensland.

C2025G00009 MDL No

Queensland Class 1 Special Purpose Vehicle Combination Mass and Dimension Exemption Notice 2024 (No.1)

Exempt categories of Class 1 special purpose combinations from mass and dimension requirements under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).



Queensland Class 2 Gympie Bypass Authorisation Notice 2024 (No.1)

Provides access to the Gympie Bypass for eligible vehicles that have a Class 2 heavy vehicle authorisation (permit) under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).

Please note the following supporting document for this Notice:

C2024G00662 MDL No

Queensland Class 2 Performance Based Standards A-Double (Toowoomba to Port of Brisbane) Authorisation Notice 2023 (No.1)

The purpose of this Notice is to authorise Performance Based Standards (PBS) A-doubles to access a special PBS network running from Toowoomba to Port of Brisbane up to a Gross Combination Mass (GCM) of 85 tonnes.

C2023G01127 MDL Yes

Queensland Class 2 Rockhampton Road Train Authorisation Notice 2025 (No.1)

Authorises access for Class 2 heavy vehicles that are Type 1 road trains transporting cattle to Rockhampton abattoirs.

C2025G00047 MDL No

Queensland Class 3 B-Double and Road Train (Carriage of Indivisible Items) Dimension Exemption Notice 2024 (No.1)

Enables eligible B-doubles and road trains to transport large indivisible items in Queensland without the need for a permit, subject to meeting the Notice conditions.



Queensland Class 3 Converter Dolly Combination Exemption Notice 2024 (No.1)

Exempts Class 3 heavy vehicles towing an unladen converter dolly from the mass limit in Schedule 1, Part 1, Clause2 (1)(a)(iv), and the dimension limit in Schedule 6, Part 2, Clause 3(1)(a) of the Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation.



Queensland Class 3 Cotton Module Transportation Dimension Exemption Notice 2024 (No.1)

Provides an exemption from height and rear overhang dimension requirements for certain heavy vehicles while they are transporting cotton modules.

C2024G00122 MDL No

Queensland Class 3 Heavy Unloaded Trailer and Converter Dolly Dimension Exemption Notice 2024 (No.1)

Exempts Class 3 heavy vehicles that are semitrailers towed behind road train rated prime movers from the prescribed height dimension requirement in section 8(d) of Schedule 6 of the Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation.



Queensland Class 3 Heavy Vehicle Additional Concessional Mass Limits Exemption Notice 2024 (No.1)

Exempts a stated category of Class 3 heavy vehicles from specified prescribed mass requirements in the Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation to permit such vehicles additional mass under the concessional mass limits.



Queensland Class 3 Heavy Vehicle (Brisbane City Council CCTV) Dimension Exemption Notice 2022 (No 1)

Allows the fitting of CCTV cameras to Brisbane City Council buses.



Queensland Class 3 Heavy Vehicle (Grain Harvest Management Scheme) Mass Exemption Notice 2024 (No.1)

Allows for an efficient grain harvest and protects the road infrastructure network through eliminating gross overloading by appropriate administrative procedures and compliance activities in accordance with the Queensland Grain Harvest Management Scheme (GHMS).

Please note the following supporting information for this Notice:



Queensland Class 3 Heavy Vehicle (Port of Brisbane Class 3 Flat Rack and Open Top) Mass and Dimension Exemption Notice 2020 (No. 2)

Exempts vehicles transporting flat rack and open top containers within the Port of Brisbane from prescribed mass and dimension requirements specified in the notice.

Please note the following supporting document for this notice:

C2020G00701 MDL No

Queensland Class 3 Heavy Vehicle (Port of Brisbane Mass Management Scheme) Mass Exemption Notice 2022 (No. 1)

Allows for the operation of eligible vehicles at masses equivalent to the Higher Mass Limits (HML) within the confines of, and on roads under the control of, the Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd.



Queensland Class 3 Heavy Vehicle Sugar Mass Management Scheme Exemption Notice 2024 (No.1)

Allows for an efficient transport of sugar cane to particular sugar mills operating under a Registered Queensland Sugar Mass Management Scheme.

Queensland Sugar Mass Management Schemes

  • Rocky Point Sugar Mass Management Scheme
  • Bundaberg Sugar Mass Management Scheme
  • Isis Sugar Mass Management Scheme
  • Tablelands Sugar Mass Management Scheme
C2024G00383 MDL No

Queensland Class 3 Livestock Loading Exemption Notice 2024 (No.1)

Provides mass dimension exemptions that support the Queensland Livestock Loading Scheme. This Notice is intended to work with the Queensland Livestock Loading Scheme, and compliance with that Scheme is a condition of exemptions contained in this Notice.

Please note the following supporting document for this Notice:



Queensland Class 3 Rockhampton Road Train Mass Exemption Notice 2024 (No.1)

Grants exemptions from mass requirements for Class 3 heavy vehicles that are Type 1 road trains operating under the Queensland Livestock Loading Scheme transporting cattle to abattoirs in Rockhampton.

Please note the following supporting document for this Notice:

C2024G00756 MDL No

Queensland Class 3 Tandem Drive Axle (Cane Haulout Truck) Flotation Tyres Mass Exemption Notice 2022 (No. 1)

Exempts Cane Haulout Trucks fitted with flotation tyres in Queensland from certain mass requirements to allow for the efficient harvest of sugar cane.



Queensland Class 3 Timber Transportation Mass Exemption Notice 2024 (No.1)

Grants mass exemptions for heavy vehicles transporting timber from the place where it is felled to sawmills and other processing facilities. 

C2024G00384 MDL No

Queensland Class 3 Truck and Dog (exceeding 19m up to 31.5m in length) Mass and Dimension Exemption Notice 2022 (No.1)

Exempts truck and dog combinations that are longer than 19m but no longer than 31.5m from the steer mass limits and dimension requirements including length, width and height of the Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation.

C2022G01151 MDL No

Queensland Electricity Entity Fatigue Record Keeping Exemption Notice 2024 (No 1)

Exempts record keepers for drivers of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicles carrying out activities on the works of an Electricity Entity, from certain record-keeping requirements.

C2024G00417 Fatigue No

Queensland Electricity Entity Work and Rest Hours Exemption Notice 2024 (No.1)

Exempts drivers of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicles carrying out activities on the works of an Electricity Entity in unplanned urgent circumstances from certain work and rest requirements.

C2024G00418 Fatigue Yes

Queensland Electricity Entity Work Diary Exemption Notice 2024 (No.1)

Exempts drivers of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicles carrying out activities on the works of an Electricity Entity, from the requirement to carry and complete a National Driver Work Diary.

C2024G00419 Fatigue Yes

Queensland Heavy Vehicle Standards (Agricultural Vehicles) Exemption Notice 2021 (No.1)

Exempts a heavy vehicle that is an agricultural vehicle from certain lighting and braking requirements.

C2021G00482 Vehicle Standards No

Queensland Heavy Vehicle Standards (Conditional Registration) Exemption Notice 2024 (No. 1)

Exempts heavy vehicles that are eligible for conditional registration in Queensland from Schedule 2 of the Heavy Vehicle (Vehicle Standards) National Regulation.

C2024G00556 Vehicle Standards No

Queensland Heavy Vehicle Standards (Sugar Cane Trailers) Exemption Notice 2024 (No.1)

Exempts a heavy vehicle that is a sugar cane trailer operating in Queensland from the specified requirements of the Heavy Vehicle (Vehicle Standards) National Regulation.

C2024G00114 Vehicle Standards No

Queensland Heavy Vehicle Standards (Warning Lights and Signs on School Buses) Exemption Notice 2022 (No. 1)

Exempts a heavy vehicle to which it applies from specified requirements of the Heavy Vehicle (Vehicle Standards) National Regulation.

C2022G00111 Vehicle Standards No

Queensland Higher Mass Limits Declaration 2024 (No.1)

Authorises heavy vehicles eligible to use Higher Mass Limits (HML) on stated areas and routes, during stated hours of stated days and to state the conditions under which they may be used.
