Removing roadblocks to reform

Removing Roadblocks to Reform paper

Removing Roadblocks to Reform (PDF, 3MB)

In this paper, the NHVR advocates for a shift in the regulatory environment and calls upon meaningful change to remove the roadblocks to improving safety, productivity and reducing emissions across the heavy vehicle industry, and the national economy.

Why NHVR is proposing changes to the PBS scheme?

Right now in Australia, the safest, most productive and lower emission heavy vehicles face more barriers to get on the road than a standard prescriptive heavy vehicle.

As a result, lives are being lost, productivity benefits are being lost and emissions are higher than they ought to be. Despite having statutory responsibilities for the heavy vehicle fleet, the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) can do little to fix it.

This needs to change, and quickly. Key to this is modernising the Performance Based Standards (PBS) scheme and its legislative underpinnings.

To achieve this, the Removing Roadblocks to Reform paper contains a series of recommendations to amend the Heavy Vehicle National Law. These changes once approved will help unlock the productivity, safety and environmental potential of the PBS scheme.

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