Do you know how to share the road with heavy vehicles?
If you drive unsafely around trucks, you could end up dead.
And if all your friends are alive, that's going to be a pretty boring time for you.
Being Dead is Boring.
@dontmuckwithatruck KMN... oh wait
♬ original sound - Don’t #uck With A Truck
Day In The Life
Welcome to a day in the afterlife, and learn how to avoid getting into an accident with turning trucks… and how to avoid an eternity of arguing with your significant other.
@dontmuckwithatruck GRWM: While I tell you about the time I didn't see a truck until it was too late
♬ original sound - Don’t #uck With A Truck
Get Ready With Me
GDWM – Get Deady With Mads. From funeral makeup and lifeless hair to safely overtaking trucks, Mads has some helpful tips to keep you online in the real world.
@dontmuckwithatruck Watch til the end or you d13
♬ original sound - Don’t #uck With A Truck
Come With Me
Come with Richie B on a tour of his haunted share house and learn how not to get blindsided by a truck in their blind spots, so you don’t end up bored in a brickhouse forever.
See what happens if you don't give a truck enough room to slow down.
It's not pretty!
See what happens if you don't give a truck space when it turns?
Hint: things get broken!
How far does your car need to travel to pass a truck? Get it wrong, we destroy your phone - at the speed of a head on collision. Fun times.
Unsure what to do when a truck is turning, stopping or you want to overtake? Watch to find out and remember...
Don’t #uck With A Truck!
Leave two lanes for
trucks when turning
Truck drivers often need to take up more than one lane to turn at corners, intersections and roundabouts, so keep both lanes beside a truck free when it is turning. Truck drivers might not be able to see you next to them and you could collide with a truck as it turns.
Pulling in front of a
truck can cause a crash
When pulling in front of a truck, give them 3 to 4 times more space than you would give a car. Trucks take a lot longer to slow down and stop than cars. If truck drivers need to brake hard behind you, you may cause them to swerve, lose control or crash.
Patience is critical when overtaking a truck
It can be frustrating to be ‘stuck’ behind a truck but be patient if you’re going to overtake. Wait for a dedicated overtaking lane or long stretch of road where you have a clear view ahead, then indicate and overtake quickly to reduce the time you’re in a truck’s blind spot. Only pull back in when you can see a truck’s headlights in your rear-view mirror.

Learn where a
truck's blind spots are!
Space is important in any relationship, and that truck behind you is no different!
If you’re too close in front of them, they might not see you! Do yourself a favour and pull forward off their bumper to stay safe!
Find yourself next to the driver’s door? You better move along - they definitely can’t see you.
And see that truck in front of you? Back up and stay out of its no-go zones….!
Upcoming Events
27 March | Darwin Street Smart High |

What’s it about?

Don’t #uck With A Truck is a campaign created by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) to improve young drivers’ awareness and education of how to drive safely around trucks. Don’t #uck With A Truck is funded by the NHVR’s Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative supported by the Federal Government.