Fee schedule

The NHVR operates under a single fee structure for access permits, National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) accreditation and the National Driver Work Diary. We also provide heavy vehicle escort services to the over-dimensional transport industry in Victoria.

Please note: NHVR fees will increase on 1 July 2024, in line with CPI.

Access permit Fee
Class 1 or 3 access permit application $88
Class 2 access permit application $88
HML permit application $88
NHVAS AFM accreditation Fee
Advanced Fatigue Management (AFM) accreditation application (establish, maintain or add) $162
NHVAS BFM accreditation Fee
Basic Fatigue Management (BFM) accreditation application (establish, maintain or add) $107
NHVAS Maintenance accreditation Fee
Maintenance accreditation application (establish, maintain or add) $107
Vehicles to be nominated or remain in accreditation module/s (per vehicle) $39
NHVAS Mass accreditation Fee
Mass accreditation application (establish, maintain or add) $107
Vehicles to be nominated or remain in accreditation module/s (per vehicle) $39
Written work diary Fee
National Driver Work Diary $30
PBS Scheme Fee
There is no charge for a Performance-Based Standards scheme application (there is a $78 charge for a PBS vehicle access permit application). N/A
Vehicle Standards Fee
There is no charge for a vehicle standards application (fees for jurisdictional services may apply). N/A

Victoria escort services

The NHVR provides escort services for heavy vehicles operating under a pilot or escort requirement under the HVNL. These services include, but are not limited to:

  • escort service for vehicles carrying large indivisible items
  • inspection services of vehicles and loads related to escort services.

The fee for any service specified under the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator – Fee for Victorian Services Notice 2023 (No.1) is $248 per hour (including GST), with a minimum of 2 hours for weekdays and 3 hours for weekends and public holidays. Charges start at the time specified in the booking to attend the pick-up point until completion of the service.

A cancellation fee applies for notice of cancellation received less than 24 hours prior to the service. Minimum charges of 2 hours on weekdays and 3 hours on weekends and public holidays will be applied.