Safer Freight Vehicles

In October 2023, the Australian Government changed the national road vehicle standards to facilitate the supply of safer trucks in Australia, reduce road trauma and boost productivity. These new safer, wider trucks are knowns as Safer Freight Vehicles (SFVs).

2.55m wide heavy vehicles

The SFV package includes an increase to the overall width limit from 2.50 to 2.55 metres for new trucks fitted with a number of specific safety features. The increased width limits only apply to rigid or cab chassis trucks and prime movers, NOT trailers or buses.

Vehicle standards

A suite of vehicle standards guides have been developed to support the release of the SFV package including:

SFVs have general access to the road network.

More information

The NHVR is developing a certification process through VSB6 in case an operator wishes to retrofit a vehicle to comply with all SFV specific safety features.

More information on safer freight vehicles and the new and amended Australian Design Rules can be found in the federal Guide to Safer Freight Vehicles.

The reforms are now implemented in all states. For details relating to the implementation in jurisdictions not covered by the HVNL see: