Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative (HVSI)

The Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative (HVSI) program supports implementable, value-for-money projects that deliver tangible improvements to heavy vehicle safety.

The Australian Government has invested more than $41 million across 169 HVSI projects since the program commenced in 2016. Over the 9 rounds funded to date, successful projects are delivering outcomes aimed at making Australia’s roads safer for all users.

For any enquiries, please contact HVSI@nhvr.gov.au

Round 10 funding

Submissions for Round 10 of the HVSI grants program closed on 17 February 2025. The timeline for the assessment and funding process is outlined below.

Date Milestones
25 November 2024
  • Round 10 opens.
  • Application guidelines and application form released.
17 February 2025
  • Applications closed.
March-April 2025
  • Eligibility check conducted. Note: Only completed applications with all required attachments can be assessed.
  • The Grants Assessment Panel reviews and evaluates all eligible projects against the assessment criteria.
  • The Grants Assessment Panel meets to assess applications and provide recommendations to the NHVR Board.
May 2025
  • The NHVR Board meets and recommends projects to be included in the HVSI work program submitted to the Commonwealth Government for consideration.
June 2025*
  • Commonwealth Government reviews the recommended HVSI work program.
August 2025*
  • Successful and unsuccessful applicants contacted.
  • Successful projects announced.
September-November 2025*
  • Funding agreements finalised between the NHVR and successful applicants.
*Timeframes are subject to change.

Previously funded projects

If you would like to see final reports for successful projects which have already been completed, please expand the sections below for previous rounds of funding and click on the links available.

Round 9 funding: 2024-25

Applicant Project Project description
ARTSA-i Education & Awareness Course for AVE's and Heavy Vehicle Modifiers This project aims to increase the quality of heavy vehicle modification by providing reliable and extensive guidance information to heavy vehicle modifiers. The project will promote consistent assessment of HV modifications by the Approved Vehicle Examiner (AVE) group.
ARTSA-i Heavy Vehicle Couplings Testing The project aims to understand the complex nature of fatigue forces that heavy vehicle couplings are subject to within heavy combination road trains. The project will develop an evidence base to inform further modelling and development of heavy combinations on Australian roads. Providing an understanding of the worst-case load phenomena with several structural preconditions, including low speed manoeuvring, fit tolerance, brake timing, resonant structures, and high speed.
Australian Institute of Health & Safety (AIHS) Comprehensive perspectives on Occupational Road use This project will enhance professional knowledge and competency of policymakers, educators, transport operators and safety professionals and facilitate the adoption of improved safety standards and practices across industry to increase heavy vehicle-specific safety knowledge among heavy vehicle operators and related personnel.
Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council Road Network Risk Assessment and Road Gazetting This project will provide road users with a safer road environment.  Provide Council with the tools to assess NHVR applications for multiple classes of heavy vehicles. Gazette frequently used routes to provide all users ease of use of the NHVR Portal and the assessment process.
Deakin University Truckwise Roadshow - Increasing awareness of safety around heavy vehicles through virtual reality This project aims to increase awareness of safety around heavy vehicles for younger drivers using virtual reality.
GM Cartage and Contracting Accelerating Ambitions: removing barriers for young people entering trucking This project aims to increase awareness in young people of career opportunities within the trucking industry. It will increase awareness amongst transport microbusinesses of innovative solutions to succession planning and staff recruitment and increase diversity in the heavy vehicle industry.
MOTUM Simulation PTY LTD MOTUM World Heavy Vehicle Simulated Training Program The project proposes to expand on MOTUM’s existing driver education software and hardware technologies, delivering simulation-based training for specific deployment into the heavy vehicle training sector.
National Bulk Tanker Association Inc. (NBTA) Applying the pressure to improve safety - preventing tyre failures and fires. The project aims to demonstrate the benefits of monitoring tyre pressure and temperature through sector specific case studies. Provide a low-cost method for monitoring and reporting pressure and temperature data and increase industry wide understanding of importance of monitoring.
National Road Safety Partnership Program (NRSPP) Translation of Heavy Vehicle Toolbox talks The project aims to increase industry-wide knowledge and driver education on key heavy vehicle safety topics within Non-English-Speaking-Background. HVSI has funded the development of the toolbox talks in English in Round 6.
National Transport Research Organisation (NTRO) Electric Truck Fire Safety Information Toolkit The project aims to increase industry preparedness of Electric vehicle fire safety with toolbox talks, increase awareness of causes of battery electric fires to reduce risk. Increase knowledge and confidence of service providers to enable uptake of Electric vehicles.
NatRoad Truckie First Aid - Online training in several languages This project will provide First Aid training to heavy vehicle drivers in their first language to improve health outcomes and information retention.
Opposite Small Fleets Focus This project is for the development of a user-centred safety management system for smaller fleet operators (small fleet system) including tools and resources to improve safety compliance.  Opposite will engage with, co-design and provide smaller operators with accessible tools and resources to facilitate compliance with essential safety critical controls, such as simple online e-learning, and to promote use of the Small Fleet System across industry.
Primary Producers SA (PPSA) Heavy Vehicle defensive driving skills for primary producers, made easy. This project will enhance competency and skills of Primary Producer class C drivers, by improving safety standards of commodity freight movements to meet community expectations, adoption, and utilisation of SMS to help effectively consider and manage their heavy vehicle safety risks.
Queensland Transport and Logistics (QTLC) A safe and sustainable Pilot and Escort Framework for Queensland (P&EFQ) This project will provide a set of desired safety and sustainability outcomes to move OSOM vehicles by Policy or Accredited Escorts. Identify and scope alternative pilot and escort arrangements. Increase awareness of hazards and risks associated with the proposed OSOM movements across industry.
Road Accident Action Group Inc. Wide Load Awareness Campaign This project aims to educate all drivers on QLD roads how to safely respond when they encounter wide loads. Improve safety for all road users and decrease incidents between wide loads and other vehicles. Improve safety for operator of wide loads, escort vehicles and police escorts.
St John Ambulance Australia Defibs in Trucks This pilot project will equip 50 trucks/heavy vehicles with new, high quality Automated External Defibrillators (AED's), increase knowledge and confidence of truck driver to provide bystander first aid, reduce roadside deaths by mobilising AED's and First Aid skills in regional, rural, and remote communities.

Round 8 funding: 2023-24

Applicant Project Project objective

Advantia Transport Consulting

Vehicle Specification Envelopes for three common PBS vehicles

This project will develop a series of Vehicle Specification Envelopes (VSEs) for three common PBS vehicles. The VSEs will be paving the way for prescriptive versions of these PBS combinations to be implemented on Australian roads while maintaining the safety and productivity benefits of current PBS combinations.

ANCAP Australasia Limited

Light Truck ADAS Safety Comparison

This project is to independently assess and promote the safety of light and medium goods vehicles (NB category) through a Light Truck ADAS Safety Comparison. Specifically, the program scope will be NB category 2-axle medium goods vehicles between 4.5 and 8 tonne GVM. As with ANCAP’s earlier Commercial Van Safety Comparison program, the proposed Light Trucks ADAS Safety Comparison program will provide objective performance testing of a range of active safety features and will report on the availability of key safety features across the model range.

Bus & Coach Association (SA) Inc

BusSAFE Australia

This project is for the development of a bus education training platform and supporting training program aimed at Year 4-9 school students around bus safety. This project will deliver:

  • An IT platform to deliver BusSAFE nationally
  • Two trials of 75 sessions each, in Tasmania and Queensland
  • A core resource of program materials for Tas, Qld and national usage
  • A Strategic Partnership and Support Program to ensure long-term sustainability

Crane Industry Council of Australia

National Rollout of the Articulated Mobile Crane Driver Education Course

Phase 2 - National rollout. This project will take the national, non-accredited industry training course and make it easily available through subsidy to all crane owners and drivers across Australia.

Eurobodalla Shire Council

Kings Highway Road Safety Partnership - Drive Safe on the Kings Highway (PDF, 6.23MB)

This project will deliver a road safety campaign aimed at heavy vehicles. The campaign will use generic messaging encouraging heavy vehicle drivers to drive safe and take fatigue stops. Banners will be erected at eight locations along Kings Highway and campaign will also include shopping centre advertising.

Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds

Tailored mental health training, increasing capacity across the supply chain

This project will promote and provide access to funded industry tailored training at no cost to participants. The project will focus on access to training for Small and Medium Enterprises offering 600 individual places across a number of courses offered by services including Lifeline Australia, Black Dog Institute, and Mental Health First Aid Australia.

National Bulk Tanker Association Inc.

Learning from near misses to improve bulk tanker safety

This project is a partnership between transport operators, telematics service providers and brake suppliers and proposes to facilitate the collection of near miss data by activating data sharing from existing Roll Stability Systems (RSS) installations. The sharing of near miss data will give drivers, operators, and road managers visibility on the number of near miss events that occur and where on the road network they are occurring.

OzHelp Foundation Pty Ltd

Health In Gear - Phase Three: Shifting Gears for transforming Health and Wellbeing for safer drivers

This project is for phase three of the wellbeing program ‘Health In Gear’ which will focus on increasing the reach of “Truckie Tune Ups” roadside health and wellbeing screen with expansion of hubs further south in Victoria and into NSW.

Queensland Trucking Association

Think. Act. Drive. – influencing heavy vehicle driver behaviour to create improved safety outcomes

This industry and research informed project will address one of the major contributors to accidents involving heavy vehicles, being driver behaviour. This will be achieved by developing and delivering a unique online training program available nationally for heavy vehicle drivers. Program delivery will be via an online gamified microlearning management system using a combination of video and education campaigns that are designed to reinforce knowledge and improve learner performance.

Queensland University of Technology

Artificial Intelligence-based video analytics to understand the interactions between Heavy Vehicles and Vulnerable Road Users

This project aims to utilise Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based video analytics and traffic conflict-based safety assessment for measuring the crash risks between heavy vehicles and vulnerable road users. This project will enable safety professionals to identify potential attributes at intersections that lead to increased heavy vehicle vulnerable road user conflicts. This project further aims to overcome the limitations of current safety assessment practices and improve road safety for all road users.

The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport Australia

Development Framework for National Driver Supervisors

This project intends to be the first stage in the development of a new industry job role, that of Heavy Vehicle Driver Supervisor. This project will develop the Heavy Vehicle driver supervisor operational framework, training material, the role’s proposed qualifications and experience and the governance arrangements under which it operates, and the proposed controlling entity for this role. The project will develop an associated benefit cost analysis for the development and use of the driver supervisor role.

Truck Industry Council

Investigate and reduce barriers to take up blind spot information systems on heavy vehicles

The project aims to reduce the barriers for Australian truck manufacturers and distributors to fit Blind Spot Information Systems that comply with the proposed Australian Design Rule 105/XX.  There are 3 parts to the project:

  • Part 1: Investigate current situation and impediments
  • Part 2: Identify options to facilitate adoption of BSIS on heavy vehicles to be sold in the Australian market.
  • Part 3: Industry education.

Round 7 funding: 2022-23

Applicant Project Project Objective

Adbri Ltd

Data-Driven Driver Behaviour Improvement Initiative

To support the NHVR Heavy Vehicle Safety Strategy by using data and data analytics to provide drivers with real-time training and feedback, as well as trends being shared across industry associations and training providers.

Advantia Transport Consulting

Heavy vehicle safe payload height and safe speed SRT calculator - Final Report (PDF, 1.88MB)

This project is for the development of an online tool which will be freely available to industry to easily calculate the Static Rollover Threshold (SRT) of Performance Based Standards (PBS) and non-PBS heavy vehicle combinations to enable safe and productive operation, and compliance with industry codes of practice or guidelines.

Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association

Using telematic data to reduce the incidence of truck roll-over crashes

Promote, and provide guidance in, the use of telematic data from heavy vehicle electronic stability control systems (ESC) to encourage safer driver behaviour in the livestock transport industry and reduce the incidence of truck roll-over crashes.

Barunga West Council

Barunga West Council Network Level Heavy Vehicle Route Assessment & Risk Analysis

This project is for the Heavy Vehicle Route and Risk Assessments (HVRRA) for permit requests of the National Heavy Vehicle Network. A report will be produced that will allow for the assessment of roads to determine suitability for possible gazetting of Council roads, as well as condition assessment. The report will provide data on carriageway suitability as well as identifying any deficiencies that may require upgrade and/or revision of safety design aspects such as: turn paths, speed, clear zones, overtaking and bridges/culverts which will in turn assist in the assessment process, or consider refusal of some roads due to above.

Bus Industry Confederation

Transition to zero emission buses – Industry advisories to support the transition to ZEBs

The development of CoP, guidelines and advisories for Zero Emission Buses

Container Transport Alliance Australia

Heavy Vehicle Safety & Safe Container Loading Practice Awareness

Organisation and delivery of 8 seminars, which are an extension of the Safe Loads/Safe Roads campaign previously developed by CTAA. These now include the specific regulatory advice on managing the risk of transporting freight inside shipping containers, recently developed by NHVR. The seminars will be delivered across 5 states in both metropolitan and regional areas.

Fenix-Newhaul Pty Ltd

Kickstart Training Academy – STEADY STATE

Kickstart Training Academy Steady State - Heavy Vehicle Simulator and Training Program

ForestWorks Ltd

Implementation of support products for the Log Haulage Code of Practice

This project will develop two products that will support recognition, adoption, implementation and compliance to the Log Haulage Code of Practice that is currently being assessed by the NHVR for registration. The products are:

  • A set of educational videos directly related Log Haulage for free, widely accessible industry use
  • Log Haulage Manual

An updated Log Haulage Manual that reflects, incorporates, and supplements the Log Haulage Code of Practice for free, widely accessible industry use.

Industrial Foundation for Accident Prevention

Road Hazard Identification and Avoidance Program

The development of the ‘Road Hazard Avoidance Training Program’ focuses on: navigating road networks, hazard perception and awareness, driving to weather conditions, operating trucks on busy civil sites around small plant, the importance of conducting pre-starts and fatigue management, mental health awareness around working in an isolated environment, importance of movement breaks and physical activity while driving long distances and entering the transport/ civil sector with limited English or from a culturally diverse background.

Livestock, Bulk and Rural Carriers Association

Heavy Vehicle Rollover Awareness Program (HVRAP) 2.0

This project is for the development of additional modules and case studies for the HVRAP. The LBRCA will extend the existing HVRAP modules around specific rollover awareness content and the HVNL and will develop an additional module that will capture consistent data and generate analytical reporting about heavy vehicle rollover events using a new Rollover Crash Investigation Tool (to be developed).


Wide Awake Program (Wait Loss Tool) (PDF, 8.49)

This project will develop an interactive app for the heavy vehicle industry which will assess opportunities to simplify and optimise operations in order to improve productivity, reduce fatigue, driver behaviour and improve the mental health of drivers.

The project will include a completed field trial of a simplification intervention and behavioural, health, and self-report measures related to fatigue and safety.

Queensland Trucking Association

QTA Safer Driver Pilot Program – Heavy Vehicles

Pilot program delivering a Safer Heavy Vehicle Driver Training Program to develop a competency based, safe, skilled, licensed heavy vehicle drivers of a standard that will satisfy employers and enhance road safety outcomes. The calibre of newly licenced truck drivers produced in this program will improve the level of on-road competency through the inclusion of 160 hours of supervised post licence on-road driving hours.

Tasmanian Transport Association

Open Road – Driver Health and Wellbeing Program

Through the Tasmanian Transport Industry Physical and Mental Health and Wellbeing Program: Open Road, TTA, in partnership with Rural Alive and Well (RAW), is taking positive action for the health and wellbeing of drivers in our industry. The project takes an integrated approach to physical and mental health and wellbeing with practical actions focussed on both aspects, including driver health and wellbeing consultations at heavy vehicle driver rest areas, supported by the University of Tasmania.

Victorian Transport Association

Over Size Over Mass Load Restraint Risk Reduction Program - Final Report (PDF, 10.6MB)

The project will develop training materials for a consignor/operator/loader/driver training program. The project will also develop critical risk documentation and associated load restraint materials/documentation. The aim of the project is a reduction in risk for the transport of Over Size Over Mass (OSOM) loads in Victoria, through the provision of targeted training and awareness sessions.

Women in Trucking Association

Women in Trucking Australia’s “Foot in the Door” Program

WiTAs "Foot in the Door" (FiTD) program will bridge the license to employment gap by engaging with industry stakeholders nationally to drive improved outcomes with this fit-for-purpose initiative that will link already licenced, inexperienced female HR/HC/MC drivers who've not been able to get that critical "foot in the door" with training organizations and employers nationally.

Round 6 funding: 2021-22

Organisation Project name Project description
NTI Ltd Spilt Milk: A National Crash Reduction Program for the Dairy Industry - Final Report (PDF, 2.25MB) Development and delivery of a targeted educational training program for drivers, fleet managers and maintenance providers across the dairy transport supply chain in roll over prevention.
Hire and Rental Industry Association Ltd Chain of Responsibility – Online Load Restraint e-learning and Guidance documents for the Hire industry (PDF, 302KB) Series of Engineered load restraint systems to provide to the Hire and Rental Industry as a means of addressing the securing of Mobile Plant in transit including development and delivery of remote delivery training (e-learning) to support the load restraint systems and maximise understanding and industry take up.
Metro Tasmania Intelligent Transport Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (PDF, 2.23MB) Improve the safety of Tasmanian roads by reducing pedestrian fatalities, at fault collisions and enhancing driver performance through the installation of Mobileye advanced driver assistance technologies.
The Flinders Ranges Council Heavy Vehicle Network Route Assessment (PDF, 776KB) Development of a Route Assessment and Risk Analysis of Flinders Ranges Council local and heavy vehicle road network.
Jalavica Pty Ltd T/A Advantia Transport Consulting Impact of Safety Chains on Coupling Separation (PDF, 5.17MB) Field testing to evaluate the safety performance of safety chains at the point of coupling failure and trailer separation.
Livestock, Bulk and Rural Carriers Association Incorporated Heavy Vehicle Rollover Prevention Program Development of a comprehensive and free online industry training program aimed at preventing heavy vehicle rollovers and crashes within the Australian bulk carrier industry to prevent loss of life or serious injury in our transport operations.
The Crane Industry Council of Australia Implementation of an Articulated Mobile Crane Driver Education Course Education course specifically for Articulated mobile cranes which have unique characteristics that can make controlling the vehicle on the road difficult without specific education. This specific road safety related education is not currently available in the regulatory space and therefore an industry-based initiative is needed to solve this deficiency.
Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds Foundation Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds Final Report (PDF, 11.1MB) Delivery of targeted initiatives to support improved mental health and individual wellbeing for truck drivers, distribution, and warehouse staff nationally through targeted safety campaigns, initiatives, and resources.
Turf Growers Association of NSW Turf Transport Safety Guidelines Deployment of a certified load restraint and mass management system to provide to the turf industry and its stakeholders. These systems will then be presented in awareness session to members of the turf industry.
Truck Industry Council

Improving Safety of On-Road Heavy Vehicles by Increasing Axle Loadings When Fitted with Next Generation Wide Load Base Tyres - Stage 2

Testing of Next Generation Wide Tyres - Pavement Impacts - Final Report (PDF, 18.0MB)

Stage 2 testing of the 385/XXR22.5 Super Single Tyre under the same time, same test conditions and same parameters as the Stage 1 tyres. The super single tyre is currently used on steer axles for loadings above 6.5 tonnes and triaxle trailer groups at Concessional Mass Loadings (CML).
Trucking Support Agency of Australia Video Marketing Initiative Deliver important heavy vehicle and road safety priorities by effectively promoting positive safety behaviours and aiding in a more ‘educational approach’ using video, social media, and grassroots communication at truck shows across the country.
Heavy Vehicle Industry Australia Safety Through Education - Final Report (PDF, 5.05MB) Improve the comprehension of Best Practice Load Restraint and Best Practice Tyre Management of heavy vehicle safety by utilising HVIA’s online Learning Management System (LMS) to provide training resources to all heavy vehicle operators, in a simple, educational, and intuitive way.
National Transport Research Organisation (formerly the Australian Road Research Board) - (Electronic Stability Maintenance) National Truck Rollover Risk Map (PDF, 2.08MB) Development of a national truck rollover risk map that reduces the risk of rollover by identifying and eliminating high risk locations on our road freight network and creating safer roads for our truck drivers.
National Road Safety Partnership Program Heavy Vehicle Toolbox Talk Packages (PDF, 2.53MB) Development of heavy vehicle evidence-based Toolbox Talks (TBT) based on a topic prioritisation process guided and peer reviewed by a diversity of industry leaders who are all part of the NRSPP Heavy Vehicle Toolbox Talk Working Group (HVTWG).
Australian Forest Contractors Association Forestry Code of Practice: Gap Analysis System Development of an Industry wide Gap Analysis System (GAS). The GAS will streamline the identification of areas of improvement for industry participants to meet both the LHC and the Master Code, maximising their compliance and reducing transport risk.
Waste Contractors and Recyclers Association of NSW CoR Training and Awareness for Waste Workers (PDF, 1.29MB) CoR Training and awareness directly to the Waste and Recycling Industry through workshops and toolbox talks.
Deakin University Truck Wise Stage 2 - Final Report (PDF, 6.51MB) Development of an extended suite of virtual reality educational experiences aimed at providing increased awareness around light and heavy vehicle interactions for younger drivers.
Concrete Pumping Association of Australia Improving Safety Performance for Concrete Pump Trucks Data analysis and research to evaluate and understand crash risk and using that information to develop standards for safe vehicle roads and equipment, provide education and information and seek innovation.
ARTSA Institute Safety of Couplings on High Productivity Vehicles Bringing together industry expertise to investigate dynamic loads on the couplings on heavy HPFV and PBS combinations vehicles. The project is required to fill a gap in knowledge and provide evidence to update relevant Standards and rules.
OzHelp Foundation Ltd Health in Gear (Phase 2) - Final Report (PDF, 5.47MB) Comprehensive health and wellbeing program which includes an on-road presence, online support, and information (via the website and 1800 IN GEAR phone number), together with counselling services to be piloted across ACT and NSW.
Cleary Brothers (Bombo) Pty Ltd Trucks and Teens Education program for sharing the road with heavy vehicles, targeting young drivers in the school setting, incorporating heavy vehicle drivers and on-site heavy vehicles.
WIM Technologies National Overloading Awareness Campaign Multi-faceted promotional campaign across print, digital and social media targeted specifically at the transport and logistics industry which raises awareness of the importance of correct loading of heavy vehicles
Roadwizard Pty Ltd Navigating Drivers Home Safety Initiative (PDF, 955KB) Truck navigational App putting trucks on the right routes, easy access to pertinent information, based on truck dimensions finding rest stops, truck parking, petrol stations, food, etc. introducing a digital HV pre-check.
National Road Safety Partnership Program Construction Logistics and Community Safety Australia (CLOCS-A) - Final Report (PDF, 2.70MB) Establish a national voluntary code of practice that draws adapting Transport for London's world's best-practice Construction Logistics and Community Safety (CLOCS) to Australia.
Australian Logistics Council Increasing Awareness and Understanding of the Master Code in the Supply Chain Increase the level of awareness and understanding of the Master Code and CoR roles and responsibilities leading to improved safety for the drivers of heavy vehicles, workers in the supply chain and the communities they serve.
National Bulk Tanker Association Improving the Emergency Response Performance of the Bulk Tanker Dangerous Goods Sector - Final Report (PDF, 4.62MB) Addressing Bulk Tanker Dangerous Goods incidents in Australia, determining the nature of those incidents are and the emergency response regulations that apply to consignors and prime contractors and how education and awareness could improve safety outcomes for operators, the emergency response sector and the community.
Grain Producers SA Limited Agricultural Vehicle Notice and Portal Training to Industry Stakeholders Comprehensive evidence-based industry research study into the behaviour of South Australian primary producers in accessing public roads. The findings will inform a report and implementation strategy to be activated in collaboration with NHVR and industry to deliver road safety outcomes whilst maintaining primary producer productivity.
Orange City Council and Cabonne Shire Council Power Nap - Don't Ignore the Early Warning Signs of Driver Fatigue (PDF, 356KB) Intervention strategy delivering Power nap and Driver Fatigue Awareness Day, a behavioural change campaign. To improve safety and reduce stress and anxiety in Heavy Vehicle drivers.

Round 5 funding: 2020-21

Organisation Project name Project description
Australian Fertiliser Services Association CoR and SMS Training to Industry Stakeholders Conduct CoR and SMS training to enhance stakeholder understanding and compliance under Heavy Vehicle National Law.
Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association Managing Effluent in the Livestock Supply Chain – an Industry Code of Practice Awareness Campaign Develop and deliver an awareness campaign to enable stakeholders to better understand how to manage effluent for the Livestock Supply Chain Industry Code of Practice.
Australian Road Research Board Testing of Electronic Stability Technologies on Long Combination Vehicles Test electronic stability technologies on long-combination heavy vehicles to enable change to scheme rules.
Bus and Coach Association (NSW) Bus and Coach Breakdown Advisory (PDF, 33.3MB) Develop guidance materials on how to address bus breakdowns to enhance the safety of bus and coach passengers, drivers and other road users.
Grain Trade Australia Practical Steps to CoR Compliance for Australian Grain Industry Participants (PDF, 2.27MB) Develop a program to educate the grain industry’s small-to-medium enterprise sector about CoR obligations under Heavy Vehicle National Law.
Healthy Heads in Trucks and Sheds Foundation Healthy Heads in Trucks and Sheds (PDF, 1.61MB) Improve the mental health of heavy vehicle drivers, warehouse and distribution centre staff nationally.
Hire and Rental Industry Association (HRIA) HRIA Face to Face CoR and Load Restraint Training (PDF, 270KB) Deliver CoR awareness and load restraint training to hire and rental industry stakeholders in metropolitan and regional areas.
Lindsay Australia Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD) Prevention Program (PDF, 1.36MB) Develop a risk assessment and prevention toolkit to mitigate and reduce MSD injuries to heavy vehicle road transport drivers.
Livestock, Bulk and Rural Carriers CoR and SMS Training to Industry Stakeholders (PDF, 2.49MB) Educate remote livestock transport industry stakeholders about Chain of Responsibility (CoR) and Safety Management Systems (SMS).
NHVR National Camera Safety Network Test new Mobile Camera Technologies to facilitate the monitoring and interception of high risk operators, vehicles and journeys.
NHVR Sharing the Road with Heavy Vehicles Sharing the Road with Heavy Vehicles creates a national educational and awareness campaign that targets learner drivers, P-platers and other young drivers.
NTI Ltd Driving a National Culture of Strategy (PDF, 11.0MB) Develop content and tools which will assist transport operators effect change and build a robust safety culture.
Parkes, Forbes and Lachlan Shire Councils Load Restraint Public Education Campaign (PDF, 12.1MB) Develop and implement a load restraint public education campaign targeting local transport companies and farmers.
Queensland Trucking Association Driving Heart Health (PDF, 1.43MB) Raise awareness on heavy vehicle driver health and wellbeing and conduct physical health assessments to help improve heavy vehicle driver health and enhance road safety.
Safe Freight Networks Australia

Gippsland and Green Triangle Safe Freight Networks (PDF, 1.37MB)

Gippsland and Green Triangle Safe Freight Networks Final Report (PDF, 2.13MB)

Expand on the existing Safe Freight Networks program, a local collective approach to road safety in the Gippsland and Green Triangle regions.
Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd Road Design for Heavy Vehicles – Technical Training (PDF, 48.9MB) Develop and deliver a pilot training program to provide road designers, engineers and road safety experts with practical heavy vehicle experience.
South Australian Road Transport Heavy Vehicle Simulator Purchase an HVSim to provide general heavy vehicle skills training, including driving on high risk routes in South Australia, fatigue management and research.
South Australian Wine Industry Association To Develop a Wine Industry Code of Practice and Promote it via a National Education Program Develop a Registered Industry Code of Practice for the Australian wine industry and deliver training on the code to stakeholders across the country.
Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association Implementing Resources, Training and Education for the Tasmanian Agricultural and Horticultural Industry Code of Practice Develop guidance materials for the proposed Tasmanian Agricultural and Horticultural Industry Code of Practice and deliver a series of education workshops to introduce the Code and guidance materials.
Transafe WA A Safety Truck Resource Servicing WA and NT (PDF, 7.66MB) Convert a heavy vehicle into a mobile classroom to educate people across WA and NT about the importance of heavy vehicles and how to safely share the road with them.
Transit Systems West Services Pty Ltd Heavy Vehicle Bus Driver Resilience Program (PDF, 505KB) Improve bus driver resilience and management capability to enhance wellbeing and community safety.
Transport Workers Union Queensland Transport Industry Mental Health Initiative (PDF, 382KB) Expand the Transport Industry Mental Health Initiative pilot project to provide mental health support to truck and bus drivers.
Truck Industry Council

Improving Safety of On-Road Heavy Vehicles by Increasing Axle Loadings When Fitted with Next Generation Wide Load Base Tyres

Testing of Next Generation Wide Tyres - Pavement Impacts - Final Report (PDF, 18.0MB)

Test three different tyre types under the same loading conditions to demonstrate pavement wear outcomes.
Victorian Transport Association Integrating Mental Health Makes Good Business Sense - HeadFit BusinessFit Program (PDF, 482KB) Deliver long-term change in the transport and logistics industry by increasing awareness of mental health issues and providing prevention strategies.
Wodonga Institute of TAFE Multi-media Advanced Emergency Braking (AEB) Project (PDF, 1.08MB) Educate transport operators and drivers about the benefits of voluntary early adoption and limitations of Electronic Stability Control and Advanced Emergency Braking safety technologies.
Women in Trucking Australia Ltd Welcome to OUR World Road Safety Campaign (PDF, 2.64MB) Develop and deliver a national road safety campaign focussing on a female heavy vehicle driver's perspective from behind the wheel.

Round 4 funding: 2019-20




4 Points of Contact (PDF, 1.41MB)

Shift Training Pty Ltd

Train 900 new heavy vehicle drivers about key heavy vehicle road safety issues, and evaluate the adequacy of the training to deliver enhanced driver competency and road safety.

Chain of Responsibility and Safety Management System Training (PDF, 1.72MB)

Livestock Bulk and Rural Carriers Association

Educate remotely located livestock transport industry stakeholders about Chain of Responsibility (CoR) and Safety Management Systems (SMS).

Chain of Responsibility Workshops (PDF, 2.45MB)


Educate growers in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland about their CoR obligations under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).

Crane Industry Road Safety Liaison Officer

The Crane Industry Council of Australia

Employ a Liaison Officer for 12 months to liaise and collaborate with the NHVR and local governments and industry across New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Queensland to enhance road safety.

Fatigue Management and Chain of Responsibility Education

Waste Contractors and Recyclers Association of NSW

To educate waste and recycling industry stakeholders across New South Wales and ACT about fatigue management and CoR obligations under the HVNL.

Female Heavy Vehicle Driver Road Safety Campaign

Women in Trucking Australia

Develop and promote a road safety campaign featuring Australian female heavy vehicle drivers.

Forestry Professional Ownership and Driver Wellbeing Program (PDF, 331KB)

Australian Forest Contractors Association

Provide fundamental behavioural change information and tools for those within the forest industry who are at the highest risk of causing loss of life or serious injury through heavy vehicle crashes.

Guide for Heavy Vehicle Replacement Spare Parts (PDF, 819KB)

Australian Road Transport Suppliers Association

Develop a guide to and raise awareness of the safety implications when choosing heavy vehicle replacement spare parts.

Heavy Vehicle Safety and Safe Container Loading Practices Awareness Campaign (PDF, 555KB)

Container Transport Alliance Australia

Raise awareness of the impacts on heavy vehicle safety of inappropriately loaded, poorly restrained and/or unevenly weight distributed shipping containers, and promote best practice to stakeholders.

Livestock Loading in Saleyards Industry Code of Practice

Australian Livestock Markets Association

Develop and register a saleyards livestock loading industry code of practice. 

Mental and Physical Safety of Heavy Vehicle Drivers (MaPS) on our Roads (PDF, 7.05MB)

Injury Matters

Enhance heavy vehicle safety by improving the mental and physical wellbeing of heavy vehicle drivers.

National Compliance Information System

NHVR and state and territory governments

Install a fourth tranche of automatic number plate recognition road safety cameras to enable collecting, accessing, analysing and sharing heavy vehicle related compliance and enforcement data on the movement and operation of heavy vehicles across Australia. 

New Heavy Vehicle Driver and Caravaner Road Safety Education and Awareness (PDF, 3.33MB)

Whiteline Television Pty Ltd

Develop a series of videos that provide practical and tailored advice on key road safety issues for inexperienced heavy vehicle drivers and caravaners.

Primary Producers Heavy Vehicle Inspection Education and Readiness Program

Grain Producers SA Limited

Educate South Australian primary producers about heavy vehicle standards and their obligations under the National Heavy Vehicle Inspection Manual.

Safer Travel Together – Heavy vehicle and bicycle user awareness campaign (PDF, 363KB)

Brisbane City Council

Develop an education and awareness campaign that aims to reduce the risk of incidents involving heavy vehicles and bicycle riders, and encourages safe practices and behaviours.

Sharing the Road with Oversize Overmass Vehicles


Develop an education and awareness campaign about what road users should do when they encounter a heavy vehicle carrying an oversize overmass load.

Trailer Coupling Improvements Coles

Investigate the rate and cause of transport carrier coupling failures with a view to providing recommendations on:

  • turntable design improvements
  • turntable coupling equipment retrofits
  • tertiary controls interlocking vehicle operational systems with turntable coupling effectiveness
  • heavy vehicle licence assessment training on the importance of coupling effectiveness.

Transport Assistance Package for Owner-Drivers (PDF, 2.13MB)

OzHelp Foundation

Develop and pilot an industry-specific health promotion and assistance program targeting owner drivers.

Truck Fire Prevention Strategy (PDF, 1.58MB)

Australian Road Transport Suppliers Association

Develop and promote guidance material on causes of truck fires and measures that can be taken to reduce or prevent their occurrence.

Video Marketing Initiative

Trucking Support Agency of Australia

Create a series of short videos and attend truck shows to inform heavy vehicle drivers and owner drivers about safety issues and promote positive safety behaviours.

Waste and Recycling Industry Code of Practice for Load Management

Waste Recycling Industry Association (QLD)

Develop and promote a Waste and Recycling Industry Code of Practice for Load Management and deliver education sessions addressing the code’s content.

Working for a Healthier Tomorrow (PDF, 717KB)

Northern Territory Road Transport Association

Gather evidence on the impact on heavy vehicle drivers of being the first responder at a road accident site, and trial the delivery of five Stop the Bleed training workshops for heavy vehicle drivers.

Round 3 funding: 2018-19




Chain of Responsibility 101 for Saleyards

Australian Livestock Markets Association

Develop a Chain of Responsibility 101 user guide/handbook to provide guidance to saleyard and livestock transport stakeholders about CoR obligations under the HVNL.

Chain of Responsibility Awareness Campaign (PDF, 4.35MB)

Grain Producers SA Limited

Develop a program to educate and train primary producers in South Australia about CoR obligations under the HVNL.

Chain of Responsibility Awareness Campaign (PDF, 381KB)

National Farmers’ Federation

Develop online guidance material to assist farmers with about CoR obligations under the HVNL.

Construction Logistics and Community Safety: Bringing the UK's World Best Practice to Australia (PDF, 12.4MB)

Australian Road Research Board

Develop a nationally consistent plan to deliver safer interactions between construction vehicles and vulnerable road users.

Crane Industry Road Safety Liaison Officer

The Crane Industry Council of Australia

Employ a Liaison Officer for a 12-month period to liaise and collaborate with the NHVR and local governments and industry across New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Queensland to enhance road safety.

DriveAbout: Sharing the Road with Trucks (PDF, 1.00MB)

Ambrose Business Solutions

Modify the existing DriveAbout app to ensure it delivers comprehensive advice to drivers about safely sharing the road with trucks.

Fatigue Management and Chain of Responsibility

Waste Contractors and Recyclers Association of NSW

Educate waste and recycling industry stakeholders about fatigue management and CoR obligations under the HVNL.

Truck Wise - Virtual Reality Interaction Campaign (PDF, 11.6MB)

Greater Bendigo City Council

Design and deliver an education and behaviour change campaign targeting passenger car drivers and their encounters with heavy vehicles.

Heavy Vehicle Combination Brake Calculator Web-based App (PDF, 707KB)

Australian Road Transport Suppliers Association

Develop a web-based brake calculator app to assist operators, engineers and other relevant entities in predicting compliance of heavy vehicles with Australian braking performance requirements. 

Heavy Vehicle Safety Around Ports

Queensland Trucking Association and Port of Brisbane

Investigate the feasibility of using two safety measures to improve road safety around Australian ports and share the learnings for broader industry benefit.

Industry-Government Partnership to Construct and Operate a Roadside Livestock Effluent Disposal Facility for Heavy Vehicles

Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association

Establish Australia's first roadside effluent disposal facility for livestock carriers and use captured effluent for purposes such as irrigation, soil composting, worm farms and energy generation.

Joint Business and Transport Industry Chain of Responsibility Education (PDF, 532KB)

Western Roads Federation

Deliver six joint industry/business events in Western Australia and the Northern Territory to educate business groups about CoR obligations under the HVNL.

National Compliance Information System

NHVR and State and Territory Governments

Install a third tranche of automatic number plate recognition road safety cameras with the aim of collecting, accessing, analysing and sharing heavy vehicle related compliance and enforcement data on the movement and operation of heavy vehicles across Australia. 

Practical Steps to Chain of Responsibility Compliance

Grain Trade Australia Limited

Develop a program to educate the grain industry’s small to medium enterprise sector about CoR obligations under the HVNL.

Safe Systems: Transport Chain of Responsibility in Tasmanian Supply Chains (PDF, 3.57MB)

Tasmanian Transport Association

Investigate the CoR provisions of the HVNL and the Master Industry Code of Practice, and the control/influence these regulatory frameworks have on three separate Tasmanian transport company supply chains.

Safety Truck Resource Servicing Western Australia and Northern Territory

Transafe WA

Convert a heavy vehicle into a mobile classroom to tour and educate people in Western Australia and Northern Territory about the importance of heavy vehicles and how to safely share the road with them.

Truckies Top Ten Tips for Sharing the Roads With Trucks Video (PDF, 8.62MB)

Whiteline Television Pty Ltd

Develop a website and series of videos to educate car drivers about safely sharing the roads with trucks.

Round 2 funding: 2017-18




Bus Fire Evacuation Protocol and Advisory

Bus Industry Confederation

Develop a Bus Fire Evacuation Protocol Advisory and training videos to better train bus drivers on how to reduce risks associated with bus fires.

Crane Industry Road Safety Liaison Officer

The Crane Industry Council of Australia

Employ a Liaison Officer for a 12-month period to liaise and collaborate with the NHVR and local governments and industry across New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Queensland to enhance road safety.

Forestry Logistics Safety Program (PDF, 686KB)

Australian Forest Contractors Association

Develop and deliver a campaign to educate forestry transport stakeholders about truck rollover and load restraint risks, and CoR obligations.

Green Reflector Markings of Informal Truck Bays – Newell Highway


Collaborate with the NHVR and road managers to identify, mark and promote informal truck bays along the Newell Highway in New South Wales.

Heavy Vehicle Adverse Environment Operations Forum

South Gippsland Shire Council

Determine whether variable messaging signage and speed monitoring influence drivers to slow down in heavy fog conditions.

Heavy Vehicle Confidential Reporting Line

NHVR and industry stakeholders

Provide a confidential platform for industry and stakeholders to alert the NHVR to safety concerns involving heavy vehicles.

Master Code Promotion and Analysis Project (PDF, 211KB)

Australian Logistics Council and Australian Trucking Association

Develop a Master Registered Code of Practice that identifies compliance and safety risks and best practice response measures for the heavy vehicle industry as a whole (addressing speed, fatigue, mass, dimension, loading and vehicle standards/maintenance activities.

National Compliance Information System

NHVR and state and territory governments

Install a second tranche of automatic number plate recognition road safety cameras with the aim of collecting, accessing, analysing and sharing heavy vehicle related compliance and enforcement data on the movement and operation of heavy vehicles across Australia. 

Rest Stop Safety Campaign (PDF, 10.6MB)

Caravan Industry Association of Australia

Inform caravan and recreational vehicle travellers about the appropriate use of rest stops and risks associated with disruptive behaviour to foster a safer environment for all road users.

Safe Freight Networks (PDF, 2.35MB)

Safe Freight Networks Australia

Identify 20 communities across Australia that experience significant heavy vehicle road safety issues and establish Safe Freight Networks in those communities to address local safety issues.

Sharing the Road Safely with Oversize Overmass Agricultural Vehicles (PDF, 137MB)

National Farmers Federation

Develop and deliver a campaign to educate road users about how to safely share the road with oversize overmass agricultural vehicles.

Standard School Bus Light Systems

Bus Industry Confederation

Develop a School Bus Lights and Signage Standard for potential adoption across Australian jurisdictions.

User-Pay Pilot of a Livestock Loading and Unloading Parallel Access Landing (PAL) Frame (PDF, 6.32MB)

Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association

Investigate the feasibility of user-pay loading and unloading infrastructure to enhance safety when transporting livestock.