Our Board comprises five members appointed by the Queensland Minister on the unanimous recommendation of the responsible Ministers. The Board's functions under s664 of the HVNL include:
- ensuring that the NHVR exercises its functions in a proper, effective and efficient way
- ensuring that adequate and effective governance processes and controls are in place
- oversight of the NHVR’s financial activities.

Duncan was previously New South Wales Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight, and Leader of the Government in the New South Wales Legislative Council.
As Minister, he championed significant positive change to the safety and productivity of the heavy vehicle sector, enabling New South Wales transport operators and local businesses to align with the rest of the country and, in many cases, lead reform of road freight improvements for the benefit of the industry, broader community and, in turn, the national economy.
He understood the importance of working closely with freight supply chain partners to deliver tangible outcomes, particularly for regional and rural New South Wales, and was responsible for vastly increasing access to local freight networks and giving a strong focus to adopting a respectful culture in roadside heavy vehicle safety and compliance interactions.
Duncan is a Director of Essential Energy, the Bush Children’s Education Foundation of NSW and the Sir Earle Page Memorial Trust, Chair of the Advisory Board at MU Group and Chairman of the NSW Freight Transport Advisory Council.

Julie is a director and third-generation family member of Queensland-based Russell Transport. She has worked both within her family business and in large multinational corporations across roles in risk and compliance, human resources, industrial relations, technology and strategic planning.
She has served on numerous committees and boards to provide a medium-sized family-business perspective to road reform and policy proposals, training and workforce planning frameworks, and industry awareness programs.
She is a Board Member of the Queensland Trucking Association, and the Australian Trucking Association. Julie is also Chair of the Office of Industrial Relations Queensland Transport and Storage Industry Sector Standing Committee, and Deputy Chair of Industry Skills Australia Transport and Logistics Industry Strategic Workforce Planning Committee.
Julie was named Queensland Trucking Association Woman of the Year in 2014 and National Trucking Industry Woman of the Year in 2015.

Patrick has had a distinguished career in the South Australian Government, holding a number of ministerial portfolios, including transport and infrastructure.
During his 10 years as transport minister, he was a strong advocate for national consistency in heavy vehicle regulation.
Patrick also has extensive experience in board advisory roles and has recently provided strategic advice to a range of clients in the transport, energy, infrastructure and property industries.

Catherine is a highly experienced Chairperson and Non-Executive Director who has held directorships across a portfolio of organisations in transport, water, education and natural resources. In her prior professional career, she held senior positions in the investment banking and finance industries.
She is a member of the Finance Committee of Edmund Rice Community Services. She is also a past Commissioner at the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, Director and Audit and Risk Committee member of several organisations, including the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator, V/line Passenger Pty Ltd, Chair of Goulburn Valley Water and a Non-Executive Director of VicWater.

Dr Gillian Miles has more than 30 years of public experience across all levels of government, including as the Chief Executive Officer and Commissioner of the National Transport Commission (NTC). During her time with NTC, Dr Miles led the introduction of automated vehicles, made improvements to the productivity and safety of heavy vehicles, and increased the role of rail in a more connected land transport system.
Dr Miles has led policy, business and organisation reforms in several other transport-based organisations, including as Head of Transport for Victoria, where she led a significant reform of the state’s transport system that put users’ interests at the forefront of Victoria’s approach to designing and delivering integrated transport solutions. Dr Miles has also held numerous deputy secretary roles in transport and community development.
Dr Miles was instrumental in establishing the National Women in Transport network, which is a partnership between the NTC, Infrastructure Australia, and the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and The Arts.
With strong interest in governance and risk management, Dr Miles was the Chair of the Diversity & Inclusion Committee as part of her Board duties at Roads Australia and sat on both the Risk & Audit and the Remuneration Committees as part of her Board duties at the Gordon TAFE. Currently, she is the Chair of the Chisholm TAFE Victoria Board and a Commissioner at Infrastructure Australia.