Work diary

The National Driver Work Diary (also known as a log book) is evidence of a driver’s work and rest hours. It’s important to complete your work diary correctly and in accordance with the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).

To learn more, download the - National Driver Work Diary (PDF 4.7MB) - it has information and examples to guide you, including:

  • definitions of the words used in the work diary
  • legal requirements for keeping work diary records
  • how to fill in your daily sheet
  • how to count time work and rest hour options 
  • frequently asked questions.

Drivers of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicles are not allowed to drive or work more than the maximum work hours or rest less than the minimum rest hours in a certain period set out by law. The National Driver Work Diary assists operators to comply with the law.

On this page

Types of work diaries

When must I use a work diary?

If you are operating under:

Where can I get help with filling in a work diary?

  • Check your written work diary - find detailed instructions on how to record information in the front pages of your work diary.
  • Ask for helpcontact the NHVR if you need assistance or talk to your employer or a more experienced driver for advice.
  • Get training - engage a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) which offers the Complete a work diary in the road transport industry course (TLIE3028).
  • Download the National Driver Work Diary (PDF 4.7MB) - this guide provides step-by-step instructions and examples.
  • Watch Get Your Diary Right - this video shows in detail how to complete a work diary (produced by TDT Victoria with the assistance of the Federal Department of Industry).

What if my work diary is lost, stolen or destroyed?

What to do if your work diary is filled up, lost, stolen or destroyed fact sheet (PDF, 496KB)

If your work diary has been completed, lost, stolen or destroyed, please contact the NHVR and use a supplementary record for up to 7 business days until you purchase a replacement work diary.

Supplementary records

Supplementary work diary record (PDF 420KB)

If your work diary is filled up, lost, stolen or destroyed you must use supplementary records to record your work and rest hours. Supplementary records must record all the information you would normally record in your work diary.

Locations to purchase a Written Work Diary

The written work diary can be purchased for $30 at many locations throughout Australia.

Australian Capital Territory

New South Wales

Northern Territory


South Australia



Western Australia

More information

For more information, see our Fatigue Management FAQs.