The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) publishes materials to provide advice and guidance on how to do business with us and comply with the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL). We are aware that on occasion, businesses imply a connection or affiliation with a government agency by way of the presentation and wording of their advertising material, where no such connection exists. If you are uncertain of whether an entity has a legitimate connection with the NHVR, please contact us to discuss, before dealing with them.
- Class 1 - Special Purpose Vehicle How To Apply Sheet - NSW (PDF, 681KB)
- Clearance authority letter information sheet (PDF, 240KB)
- Common Class 3 combinations - South Australia (PDF, 926KB)
- Common heavy vehicle combinations used in New South Wales - Class 3 (PDF, 404KB)
- General access for PBS Level 1 heavy vehicles operating at General Mass Limits (PDF, 219KB)
- Local council and road authority contact numbers (PDF, 392KB)
- NHVR Registration Module - Queensland Authority to Operate (ATO) – Information Sheet (PDF, 350KB)
- Operating a 4.6m high heavy vehicle as a specified semitrailer and under other notices (PDF, 321KB)
- Performance Based Standards (PBS) permit applications – Tier 2/3 Bridge Assessment
- Permit-based schemes
- Pilots and escort training and recognition (PDF, 240KB)
- Queensland Class 1 Crane Permit Scheme – Industry Information Sheet (PDF, 514KB)
- Road manager - processing refusals under the HVNL
- Repurposed freight containers - Information sheet
- Route Planner user guide (PDF, 5.7MB)
- Single Trip, Period Permit and Multiple Trip - Information Sheet (PDF, 333KB)
- Standard conditions legislative requirements - Class 1 (PDF, 367KB)
- Tow trucks
Chain of Responsibility
Codes of Practice
- Master Industry Code of Practice
- Introduction to Industry Codes of Practice (PDF, 559KB)
- Guidelines for preparing and registering Industry Codes of Practice (PDF, 402KB)
- Schedule 1: Notice of Intention (DOCX, 124KB)
- Schedule 2: Code of Practice template (DOCX, 133KB)
- Schedule 3: Sponsor’s acknowledgement of NHVR’s IP (DOCX, 47KB)
- Schedule 4: Sponsor’s undertaking (DOCX, 130KB)
- Schedule 5: Request to review Code of Practice (DOCX, 122KB)
Compliance and enforcement
- Building a national approach to compliance and enforcement (PDF, 935KB)
- Compliance and Enforcement Policy (PDF, 321KB)
- HVNL Judicial Guide (PDF, 5.2MB)
- NHVR Prosecutions Unit (PDF, 1.1MB)
- Prosecution Policy (PDF, 243KB)
- Regulatory Intervention Strategy (PDF, 4.9MB)
- Schedule of HVNL Penalties, Infringement Penalties and Demerit Points
- Statement of Regulatory Approach (PDF, 894KB)
- Annual Reports
- Brochure - National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (PDF, 937KB)
- Brochure - National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (PDF, 544KB)
- Brochure - NHVR QR codes (PDF, 1.4MB)
- Brochure - Performance Based Standards scheme (PDF, 2.0MB)
- Brochure - Understanding heavy vehicle road access (PDF, 701KB)
- Corporate Plans
- Forward Work Inclusion Proposal (DOCX, 274KB)
- Glossary of common terms (PDF, 1.5MB)
- Hire truck - first-time drivers FAQ (PDF, 201KB)
- How to check your registration details
- How to share registration details on the NHVR Portal
- NHVR Purchase Order - Contract Terms & Conditions (PDF, 201KB)
- NHVR safely driving Australia (PDF, 631KB)
- NHVR Services Catalogue (PDF, 642KB)
- On the Road - industry newsletter
- Policies and procedures
- Reconciliation Action Plan - Reflect (PDF, 3.5MB)
- Stakeholder Engagement Process - Quick Guide (PDF, 283KB)
- Statement of Expectations (PDF, 283KB)
- Strategic Directions 2021-2026 (PDF, 1.6MB)
Fatigue management
- Short work breaks for agitator drivers (PDF, 212KB)
- EWD common questions (PDF, 647KB)
- Electronic Work Diary (EWD) fact sheet (PDF, 357KB)
- How to apply for a fatigue record-keeping exemption permit
- How to apply for a work and rest hours exemption permit
- How to apply for a work diary exemption permit
- National Driver Work Diary (PDF 4.7MB)
- Supplementary work diary record (PDF 420KB)
Mass, dimension and loading
- Bus variations under the HVNL chart (PDF, 295KB)
- Classes of heavy vehicles fact sheet (PDF, 1.6MB)
- Classes of Heavy Vehicles in the HVNL chart (PDF, 2.6MB)
- Common Heavy Freight Vehicles Configurations chart (PDF, 1.1MB)
- General Dimension Requirements fact sheet (PDF, 1MB)
- General Mass Limits fact sheet (PDF, 564KB)
- National heavy vehicle mass and dimension limits (PDF, 2.0MB)
- Mass limits for eligible 2-axle buses under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (PDF, 334KB)
- Mass limits for twinsteer prime movers towing tri-axle semitrailers info sheet (PDF, 218KB)
- Multiple items on Class 1 load-carrying vehicles
- Oversize Overmass (OSOM) information
- PBS Vehicle Configurations chart (PDF, 1.1MB)
- Special Purpose Vehicles information
National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme
Performance Based Standards
- Adding identical vehicles to a PBS Vehicle Approval (PDF, 240KB)
- Adoption of More General Use of Quad Axle Groups in Semi-Trailers and B-Doubles - March 2007 (PDF, 222KB)
- Extension to the Pre-Advised Design Approval process (PDF, 228KB)
- Guide - Adding vehicles to a PBS Vehicle Approval
- Guide - PBS approval process
- Guide - PBS Vehicle Approval escalation request
- Guide - Removing vehicles from a PBS Vehicle Approval
- Guidelines and Rules
- PBS approval process overview
- PBS Design Approval modification process (PDF, 380KB)
- PBS Performance Assessment Results – Road Manager Information Sheet (PDF, 325KB)
- PBS Quad-axle Mass exception Limits (QML) - Information sheet (PDF, 237KB)
- PBS vehicles carrying dangerous goods (PDF, 144KB)
- Performance Based Standards - A guide for road managers (8.6MB)
- Performance Based Standards - Australia’s PBS fleet 2020 (PDF, 1.7MB)
- Removal of operator name from PBS Vehicle Approval
- Transfer of PBS Vehicle Approval
- Changes to heavy vehicle safety standards
- CoR and managing fatigue risks
- CoR and overloading
- CoR and speeding
- Vehicle modifications - backlit badges and logos
- Vehicle modifications - fitting bodies and tow couplings
- Vehicle standards - driving lamps and light-emitting diode lightbar
- Vehicle standards - semi-trailer rear bumpers
Roadworthiness Program
Vehicle standards
- Approved Guidelines for Granting Vehicle Standards Exemptions (PDF, 364KB)
- Guide to creating heavy vehicle daily checks (PDF, 375KB)
- National Heavy Vehicle Inspection Manual (NHVIM)
- National roller brake testing procedure (PDF, 728KB)
- NHVR Code of Practice for the Approval of Heavy Vehicle Modifications (PDF, 506KB)
- Operators Guide - Partially completed vehicles (PDF, 443KB)
- Vehicle Standards Bulletin 6 (VSB6)
- Vehicle Standards Bulletin 12 (VSB12)
- Vehicle Standards Guides
- Vehicle Standards - Industry Guide to In-Principle Support (PDF, 971KB)