Oversize Overmass

Oversize and/or Overmass (OSOM) vehicles and loads

The heavy vehicle industry often needs to transport large or heavy objects that are beyond the normal mass and dimension limits. The vehicles that carry out these big moves are commonly referred to as oversize overmass (OSOM) vehicles but more formally the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) refers to these as Class 1 ‘load-carrying vehicles’.

What is an Oversize and Overmass vehicle

A heavy vehicle is a Class 1 load-carrying vehicle:

  • when a vehicle or combination which alone, or together with its load, exceeds prescribed mass or dimension requirements, and
  • is carrying, or designed for the purpose of carrying, a large indivisible item.

Examples include a prime mover and extendable trailer or a prime mover and low loader combination.

What is a large indivisible item?

Under the HVNL, a large indivisible item is an item that:

  1. cannot be divided without extreme effort, expense, or risk of damage to it; and
  2. cannot be carried on any heavy vehicle without contravening a mass or dimension requirement.

Some examples of common large indivisible items include:

  • construction or mining equipment like excavators, bulldozers, and other construction equipment that cannot be disassembled without significant effort, expense, or risk of damage.
  • wind turbine components such as turbine blades, tower sections, and other components that are designed as single units and cannot be broken down further without compromising their structural integrity.
  • prefabricated bridge beams and girders that cannot be divided without affecting their structural strength or causing damage.
  • oversized tanks, pressure vessels and alike that are designed and fabricated as single units, making them difficult and expensive to divide.
  • modular buildings and large prefabricated structures that cannot be divided without compromising their structural integrity or functionality.
  • agricultural machines or implements like harvesters, air seeders, augers and other machinery that cannot be disassembled without significant effort, expense, or risk of damage.

Note: Repurposed freight containers are not freight containers for the purpose of vehicles operating under Class 1 mass or dimension exemptions.

Do I need an Oversize Overmass (OSOM) permit?

Apply for this permit if your tow truck does not comply with the prescribed mass or dimension requirements or a gazette notice. Notices can be found on the national notices and state notices pages.

On this page

How do I get access?

  1. Check the notices and national network maps for your journey.
    This will show you all the latest schedules and conditions for your intended route. If your journey is covered by a gazette notice, you won’t need to apply for an OSOM permit. Take me to the notices.
  2. Check your third party requirements.
    Notices, permits, and in some cases other laws outside of the HVNL, may require other parties to provide permission for travel. Learn more about third party approvals.
  3. Apply for a permit if you cannot operate under a notice.
    To begin your permit application, navigate to the NHVR Portal. Complete all relevant information, plan your route, and submit your application. I’m ready to begin my application
    Permit applications for travel in all jurisdictions, except Northern Territory and Western Australia, are processed through the NHVR Portal. Learn more about our application process.
    For travel within the Northern Territory and Western Australia, you need to apply directly to the relevant state or territory road transport authority.

Pilots and escort vehicles

Some oversize movements require a pilot and/or escort. If your movement requires a pilot and/or escort, please review:

All aspects of piloting/escorting are regulated by state and territory road transport authorities, except for Victoria. More information can be found at NHVR Victorian escort services.

Operating conditions applying to Class 1 heavy vehicles

The Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation (MDL) sets out mandatory conditions that Class 1 heavy vehicles must comply with; these include general conditions and additional conditions relating to load-carrying vehicles.

General conditions

Details about the general conditions are summarised on Schedule 8 - Conditions applying to Class 1 heavy vehicles.

Additional conditions

The key additional conditions that apply to OSOM vehicles include:

Towing a low loader dolly with an unladen low loader

A low loader dolly must not be towed in combination with an unladen low loader unless:

  • the combination is not wider than 2.5m; and
  • loading or unloading the dolly would be exceptionally difficult because of the nature of the site or because of the short distance to be travelled.

Requirements for carrying multiple items

A load-carrying vehicle can carry more than one large indivisible item, if certain conditions are met. More information can be found at Multiple items on Class 1 load-carrying vehicles.

Loading requirements

To meet the loading requirements, a Class 1 load-carrying vehicles must be loaded:

  • in a way that load placement does not make the vehicle unsafe or unstable
  • in a way that the load is not likely to fall or be dislodged from the vehicle
  • using an appropriate method to restrain the load.

More information can be found at Loading.

Notices - OSOM access

Please note: The table below shows the most common notices used for OSOM vehicles and combinations. For a full list of notices and schemes please see Notices and permit-based schemes.

National notices

Title and description Reference number Application

National Class 1 Load Carrying Vehicle Dimension Exemption Notice 2024 (No.2)

Authorises the use of Class 1 load-carrying vehicles that are up to 5.5m wide, 35m long and 5m high (state and territory dependent).

Please note the following supporting documents for this Notice:

Note: This notice replaced the Multi-State Class 1 Load Carrying Vehicle Dimension Exemption Notice 2023 (No.2). While supporting documents are being progressively updated, any references to the multi-state notice should be considered as referencing the new national notice.

C2024G00565 ACT, NSW, QLD, SA, VIC

Multi-State Class 1 Load Carrying Vehicle Mass Exemption Notice 2023 (No.1)

Authorises the use of Class 1 load-carrying vehicles that are up to 115t (state dependent).

Please note the following supporting documents for this Notice:

C2023G00138 NSW, QLD SA, VIC

State or territory notices

Title and description Reference number Application

New South Wales Class 1 Load Carrying Combination (Hunter Region) Mass and Dimension Exemption Notice 2023 (No.1)

Exempts Class 1 heavy vehicle combinations consisting of a prime mover and approved trailers, including dollies if required, from certain mass and dimension requirements under the HVNL. In addition, this notice exempts certain specialist vehicles such as block trucks that are used to assist the operation of Class 1 combinations.

Please note the following supporting document for this notice:

C2023G01163 NSW

New South Wales Class 1 Load Carrying Vehicle Exemption Notice 2023 (No.1)

Grants exemptions from mass and dimension requirements for a Class 1 heavy vehicle in New South Wales that is carrying, or is designed for the purpose of carrying, a large indivisible item.

Please note the following supporting document for this Notice:

C2023G01102 NSW

Queensland Class 1 Pole Erecting Vehicle Dimension Exemption Notice 2022 (No. 1)

Exempts heavy vehicle combinations used to carry power poles from stated prescribed dimension requirements in Schedule 6 of the MDL.

C2022G00505 QLD

Queensland Class 1 (Port of Brisbane) Mass and Dimension Exemption Notice 2025 (No.1)

Provides exemptions for eligible Class 1 heavy vehicles to operate at increased mass and dimension limits on roads managed by the Port of Brisbane, Queensland.

C2025G00009 QLD

South Australia Class 1 Load Carrying Vehicle Dimension Exemption Trial Notice 2025 (No.2)

Grants exemptions from dimension requirements for a Class 1 heavy vehicle for the transportation of a large indivisible item.

C2025G00035 SA

South Australia Class 1 Low Loader Exemption Trial Notice 2025 (No.2)

Grants exemptions from mass and dimension requirements for a Class 1 heavy combination that includes a low loader or a Class 1 heavy combination that includes a low loader dolly and low loader.

C2025G00034 SA

South Australia Class 1 Platform Trailer Exemption Trial Notice 2025 (No.2)

Grants exemptions from mass and dimension requirements for a Class 1 heavy combination that includes a platform trailer or a Class 1 heavy combination that includes a low loader dolly and a platform trailer.

C2025G00033 SA

South Australia Class 1 Utility Pole Transportation Dimension Exemption Notice 2023 (No.1)

Exempts prime mover and semitrailer heavy vehicle combinations used to carry utility poles in South Australia from the stated prescribed length limits in Schedule 6 of the Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation.


South Australia Class 1 Transport of Indivisible Items and Agricultural Vehicles Dimension Exemption Notice 2023 (No.1)

Provides access for Class 1 heavy vehicles, carrying either large indivisible items or agricultural vehicles, which exceed regulation dimensions, to travel on roads in South Australia subject to conditions specified in the Notice.

C2023G01170 SA

Tasmania Class 1 Load Carrying Vehicles Mass and Dimension Exemption Notice 2024 (No. 2)

Exempts categories of laden and unladen Class 1 load-carrying vehicles from the stated prescribed mass and dimension requirements in Schedule 1 and Schedule 6 of the Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation.

Please note the following supporting documents for this Notice:

C2024G00474 TAS

Victoria Class 1 Load Carrying Vehicle and Special Purpose Vehicle Mass And Dimension Exemption Notice 2024 (No. 2)

Exempts specified categories of Class 1 Heavy Vehicles from prescribed mass and dimension requirements.

This Notice clarifies the need for operators to comply with the Pilots and escort vehicles in mountainous areas requirements.

Please note the following supporting information for this Notice:

C2024G00695 VIC

Submit my application

Before you submit your application, check the Do I need a permit? page.

The NHVR Access team processes all OSOM applications through the NHVR Portal. Click the Launch Now button below.

Need help? Contact us for assistance.

Online application

NHVR Portal

Post or fax application

Yes, you can. However, please note that if you apply through post or fax, all correspondence relating to that application will be done through the same channel. If you can apply online through the NHVR Portal but need help, our team members are here to provide specialist guidance. Contact us for assistance.

Select application form: