The NHVR partners with Government agencies to raise awareness on over-height trucks in tunnels. Drivers should ensure they obey all road rules and be aware of any critical locations before starting and throughout their journey.
Over-height trucks in tunnels video
Recently there has been an influx of over-height trucks entering tunnels in the Sydney Metropolitan area. This video is aimed at educating drivers on preventative action they can take to avoid an incident occurring.
New South Wales - Over-height trucks in tunnels brochures
The NHVR has zero tolerance for over-height trucks entering tunnels in New South Wales, with non-compliant vehicles posing a serious risk to the safety of other road users and threatening to cause significant traffic delays and damage to infrastructure. While road safety is everyone’s responsibility, driving heavy vehicles offers more challenges. Here’s the preventative action you can take, to ensure you don’t enter a tunnel in your over-height vehicle.
Over-height trucks in tunnels - English (PDF, 183KB)
Our stance on over-height trucks entering tunnels
Over-height trucks in tunnels - Arabic عربي (PDF, 209KB)
موقفنا من دخول الشاحنات التي يتجاوز ارتفاعها 4.3 أمتار الأنفاق
Over-height trucks in tunnels - Hindi हिंदी (PDF, 308KB)
ओवर-हाइट (ज़रूरत से अधिक ऊँचे) ट्रकों के सुरंगों में प्रवेश करने के बारे में हमारा दृष्टिकोण
Queensland - Over-height trucks striking bridges brochures
The NHVR has zero tolerance for over-height trucks attempting to pass under bridges in Queensland, with non-compliant vehicles posing a serious risk to the safety of other road users and train passengers, and threatening to cause significant traffic delays, impact rail services, and damage to infrastructure. In 2023, bridge strikes in Queensland were the cause of around 200 hours of delays for road users. Even striking the protection beam can cause significant traffic disruptions.
Over-height trucks striking bridges - English (PDF, 291KB)
Our stance on over-height trucks striking bridges
Over-height trucks striking bridges - Arabic عربي (PDF, 407KB)
موقفنا من الشاحنات المرتفعة التي تصطدم بالجسور
Over-height trucks striking bridges - Hindi हिंदी (PDF, 353KB)
पुलों से टकराने वाले निर्धारित से अधिक ऊँचाई के ट्रकों के प्रति हमारा दृष्टिकोण