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Staying safe on the road is “black and white” as NHVR partners with Collingwood Football Club on new safety campaign

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) has teamed up with the Collingwood Football Club to support the NHVR’s latest campaign It's Black and White: We All Need Space, focused on safety around Oversize Overmass (OSOM) vehicles and “superloads”.

‘Accelerating action’: Promoting gender diversity across the heavy vehicle industry this International Women’s Day

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) is partnering with Transport Women Australia Limited (TWAL) this International Women’s Day to share the important message of gender equality in the heavy vehicle workforce.

Key findings from the ‘2023 Federal Government Skills Priority List’ revealed only 4.4 per cent of truck drivers were female- despite the sector holding one of the largest employment shortages in Australia.

Navigating no-truck zones in Inner West Melbourne - What drivers need to know

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) in consultation with Department of Transport and Planning Victoria (DTP VIC) will be amending access for heavy vehicles due to the opening of the West Gate Tunnel in late 2025.

The West Gate Tunnel and freeway ramps will make it easier for trucks to access the Port of Melbourne. On the opening of tunnel, access will be prohibited on six specific roads within proposed no-truck zones:

Major NHVR operation reveals driver fatigue is still a serious concern following deadliest year on Australian roads in over a decade

National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) on-road officers worked in partnership with police across Australia during the busy Christmas holiday period, identifying more than 200 fatigue-related offences, including 17 critical breaches.

NHVR issues urgent warning for truck drivers travelling down steep descents after several deadly crashes and dangerous near misses

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) is urging heavy vehicle drivers to exercise extreme caution when travelling down steep descents, following a series of serious incidents occurring on Bulli Pass and Mount Ousley in New South Wales.

NHVR urges truck drivers to keep safety front of mind amid prolonged wet weather conditions and the start of the holiday season

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) has issued an urgent reminder to the nation's truck drivers and operators to check their heavy vehicle fleets are up to scratch, amid predictions of above-average rainfall and increased traffic on the roads.