South Australia notices

State notices for South Australia made under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).

Acronym used in tables: MDL – Mass, dimension and loading.

Title and description Gazette reference Category Carriage required

South Australia Adelaide Christmas Pageant Exemption Notice 2023 (No.1)

Provides vehicle standards and dimension exemptions for vehicles and combinations participating in the annual Adelaide Christmas Pageant.

C2023G00766 MDL and Vehicle Standards No

 South Australia Class 1 Load Carrying Vehicle Dimension Exemption Trial Notice 2025 (No.2)

Grants exemptions from dimension requirements for a Class 1 heavy vehicle for the transportation of a large indivisible item.

C2025G00035 MDL Yes

South Australia Class 1 Low Loader Exemption Trial Notice 2025 (No.2)

Grants exemptions from mass and dimension requirements for a Class 1 heavy combination that includes a low loader or a Class 1 heavy combination that includes a low loader dolly and low loader.

C2025G00034 MDL Yes

South Australia Class 1 Opal Mining Vehicle Dimension Exemption Notice 2023 (No.1)

Provides exemptions to dimension and vehicle standards requirements for class 1 special purpose vehicles used for opal mining, commonly known as blowers, noodling machines, elevators and prospecting drills.

    C2023G00857 MDL and Vehicle Standards No

    South Australia Class 1 Oyster Boat Exemption Notice 2023 (No.2)

    Provides exemptions from dimension requirements and vehicle standards for class 1 heavy vehicle combinations towing an oyster boat, or a trailer designed and built to carry an oyster boat.

    C2023G00765 MDL No

    South Australia Class 1 Platform Trailer Exemption Trial Notice 2025 (No.2)

    Grants exemptions from mass and dimension requirements for a Class 1 heavy combination that includes a platform trailer or a Class 1 heavy combination that includes a low loader dolly and a platform trailer.

    C2025G00033 MDL Yes

    South Australia Class 1 and Class 3 Road Grader and Combination Exemption Notice 2020 (No.2)

    Exempts road graders and road grader combinations used for the construction and maintenance of roads from certain mass and dimension requirements.

    Please note the following supporting document for this notice:

    C2020G00934 MDL No

    South Australia Class 1 Utility Pole Transportation Dimension Exemption Notice 2023 (No.1)

    Exempts prime mover and semitrailer heavy vehicle combinations used to carry utility poles in South Australia from the stated prescribed length limits in Schedule 6 of the Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation.

    C2023G01172 MDL No

    South Australia Class 1 Transport of Indivisible Items and Agricultural Vehicles Dimension Exemption Notice 2023 (No.1)

    Provides access for class 1 heavy vehicles, carrying either large indivisible items or agricultural vehicles, which exceed regulation dimensions, to travel on roads in South Australia subject to conditions specified in the notice.

    C2023G01170 MDL No

    South Australia Class 3 23m Long Single Deck Vehicle Carrier Exemption Notice 2023 (No.1)

    Exempts the use of single deck vehicle carrier combinations between 19m and 23m long from stated dimension limits in Schedule 6 of the Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation.

    C2023G01154 MDL No

    South Australia Class 3 Baled Commodity Exemption Notice 2024 (No.1)

    Provides an exemption from height and width dimension requirements for certain configurations of heavy vehicles while they are transporting baled commodities. Vehicles operating under this notice may operate up to the height and width limits specified, provided that they meet the specified conditions.


    MDL No

    South Australia Class 3 Bus Recovery (O-Bahn Busway) Dimension Exemption Notice 2024 (No.1)

    Provides an exemption to maximum length requirements from the Heavy Vehicle (Mass Dimension and Loading) National Regulation network and access conditions for buses that are required to tow another bus in specific circumstances in metropolitan Adelaide.

    This Notice revokes and replaces the South Australia Class 3 Disabled Bus Dimension Exemption Notice 2020 (No.1).

    C2024G00683 MDL No

    South Australia Class 3 Converter Dolly Combination Exemption Notice 2024 (No.1)

    Exempts Class 3 heavy vehicle combinations, towing an unladen converter dolly, from the stated dimension limits in Schedule 6 of the Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation.


    MDL No

    South Australia Class 3 Heavy Vehicle Truck and Dog (Stobie Pole) Dimension Exemption Notice 2023 (No.1)

    Provides exemptions to dimension requirements for a class 3 heavy vehicle consisting of a rigid truck and a dog trailer that is transporting Stobie poles.

    C2023G00768 MDL No

    South Australia Class 3 Livestock Transportation Exemption Notice 2023 (No.1)

    Exempts the use of Class 3 combinations from stated mass limits in Schedule 1 of the Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation and allows for a specific length exemption for specific 27.5m B-Doubles carrying livestock on a specific route.

    Please note supporting information for this Notice can be found on the SA Government - Transport of livestock webpage.

    C2023G01168 MDL No

    South Australia Class 3 Long Prime Mover Combination Exemption Notice 2023 (No.1)

    Authorises access on approved routes for long prime mover and single semitrailer combinations. The notice allows the use of long prime movers, typically those used in road train combinations and broken down into a single semitrailer combination, to continue beyond authorised road train routes.

    C2023G00823 MDL No

    South Australian Class 3 Road Friendly Suspension Mass Exemption Notice 2023 (No.1)

    Exempts certain heavy vehicles and combinations fitted with certified Road Friendly Suspension from mass requirements set out in the Heavy Vehicle (Mass Dimension and Loading) National Regulation, allowing operation at masses that are equivalent to Higher Mass Limits under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL). This Notice replaces the South Australia Class 3 (Application of Higher Mass Limits) Mass Exemption Notice.

    C2023G00828 MDL No

    South Australia Class 3 Road Train (North of Port Augusta) Dimension Exemption Notice 2024 (No.1)

    Provides access for road trains that exceed regulation dimensions travelling on limited routes.


    MDL No

    South Australian Class 3 Truck and Dog (up to 23m) Mass and Dimension Exemption Notice 2022 (No.1)

    Provides an exemption for eligible 23m Class 3 heavy vehicle truck and dog trailer combinations from stated mass and dimension limits.

    C2022G00824 MDL No

    South Australia Farm Gate Grain Transport Mass Exemption Notice 2025 (No.1)

    Provides exemptions for heavy vehicles operating at general mass limits or under mass management accreditation, at concessional or applied higher mass limits under the Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation (the Regulation), or under specified Notices, while transporting grain directly from a farm to a grain receiver.

    Please note the following supporting document for this Notice:

    C2025G00041 MDL No

    South Australian Heavy Vehicle Standards (2 for 3 bus seat) Exemption Notice 2025 (No.1)

    Exempts a heavy vehicle to which it applies from certain requirements of Part 1 of Schedule 1 of the Heavy Vehicle (Vehicle Standards) National Regulation.

    C2025G00042 Vehicle Standards No

    South Australian Heavy Vehicle Standards (Conditionally Registered Special Purpose Vehicle) Exemption Notice 2024 (No.1)

    Exempts a heavy vehicle to which it applies from certain requirements of the Heavy Vehicle (Vehicle Standards) National Regulation.

    C2024G00115 Vehicle Standards No

    South Australian Heavy Vehicle Standards (Six Tonne Trailer Brakes) Exemption Notice 2024 (No.1)

    Exempts a heavy vehicle to which it applies from the requirements of Part 7 of Schedule 2 of the Heavy Vehicle (Vehicle Standards) National Regulation.

    C2024G00735 Vehicle Standards No

    National Heavy Vehicle South Australia Electricity Entity Record Keeper Exemption Notice 2023 (No.1)

    Exempts record keepers for drivers of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicles carrying out activities on the works of an Electricity Entity from the requirement to comply with stated provisions of Division 3 of Part 6.4 of Chapter 6 of the Heavy Vehicle National Law. 


    Fatigue No

    National Heavy Vehicle South Australia Electricity Entity Work and Rest Hours Exemption Notice 2023 (No.1)

    Exempts drivers of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicles carrying out activities on the works of an Electricity Entity in unplanned urgent circumstances from the requirement of the Heavy Vehicle National Law Part 6.3 Division 2 Standard Work and Rest Arrangements. 


    Fatigue Yes

    National Heavy Vehicle South Australia Electricity Entity Work Diary Exemption Notice 2023 (No.1)

    Exempts drivers of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicles carrying out activities on the works of an Electricity Entity from the requirement to carry and complete a National Driver Work Diary.


    Fatigue Yes