Permit-based schemes

Permit-based schemes cover any scheme, trial, pilot or initiative that requires an operator to have a permit to operate a vehicle and has a set of criteria that must be met in order to participate. These schemes are targeted at safety, efficiency and productivity outcomes for specific types of heavy vehicles.

The NHVR preserves the current permit schemes in the table below, and is working with jurisdictions towards future consolidation and national harmonisation.

Permit-based schemes can be applied for through the NHVR Portal

Jurisdiction Title Description How to apply
NSW, SA, Vic Transport of Concrete Pipes Transversely to 2.65m wide information sheet (PDF, 225KB)

Class 3 permits for transporting concrete pipes loaded transversely up to 2.65m wide.

Refer to information sheet
NSW Modern road trains and Triples east of Newell Highway Modern A-doubles, B-triples and AB-triples up to 36.5m in length can operate in some areas east of the Newell Highway. Refer to webpage
NSW Urban Access Concession (UAC) Cranes enrolled in IAP between 2.5m and 2.9m wide may be exempt from certain route restrictions.

NSW - Urban Access Concession (UAC) - Cranes


Urban Peak Hour Concession (UPC)

Cranes enrolled in IAP and exceed 3.5m forward projection dimension limit may be exempt from certain route restrictions. Refer to webpage
Qld Queensland Class 1 Crane Permit Scheme – Industry information sheet (PDF, 506KB)

Eligible all terrain cranes must obtain an Authority to Operate (ATO) from the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR).

Vehicles that have been identified by TMR as IAP Category 1 or IAP Category 2 are eligible to participate in the scheme.

Refer to information sheet
Qld Queensland Zero Emission Heavy Vehicle (ZEHV) Permit-Based Scheme Provides ZEHV access to selected Queensland state-controlled roads via a permit. Refer to webpage
Qld Class 4 Tow trucks Movement of broken down heavy vehicles by class 4 tow trucks. Class 4 Tow Trucks
Qld Mass Export Management Scheme (MEMS) Mass concession for transportation of containerised freight for export. Refer to webpage
Qld Mass Import Management Scheme (MIMS) Mass concession for transportation of containerised freight from the Port of Brisbane and the Port of Townsville. Refer to webpage
Qld Transporting cotton bales on road trains up to a height of 4.6 metres info sheet (PDF, 168KB) Road train combinations transporting cotton bales loaded up to 4.6m high. Transporting cotton bales on roads up to a height of 4.6m
SA 3-axle and 4-axle cranes towing an equipment trailer information sheet 3-axle and 4-axle all-terrain mobile cranes towing an equipment trailer on a specified published network in South Australia Refer to webpage

Excess mass export permits

Conventional semi-trailers exceeding 42.5t transporting goods in shipping containers destined for export. SA – Excess Mass Export
SA Medium articulated vehicle with dog trailer (MAD) (PDF, 257KB) Medium articulated vehicle with dog trailer can operate on restricted routes. SA – Medium articulated vehicle with dog trailer (MAD)
Vic Victoria’s 6 to 9-axle crane Permit-Based Scheme Victoria’s 6 to 9-axle all terrain mobile crane networks provide pre approved permit access for a range of crane configurations up to 108 tonnes gross vehicle mass (GVM) on key corridors and depot locations in Victoria. Refer to webpage
Vic Victoria High Productivity Livestock Vehicle (HPLV) Pre-Approved Permit-Based Scheme Assists the livestock carrier industry in attaining a higher level of productivity. HPLVs are Class 3 heavy vehicle combinations that exceed 26m that are designed to move livestock and fall outside the Performance-Based Standards scheme that applies to High Productivity Freight Vehicles (HPFV). Refer to webpage
Vic Victoria's Low or Zero Emission Heavy Vehicles (LZEHVs) Permit-Based Scheme Victoria's pre-approved LZEHVs Volvo FM & FH semitrailer (7.5t steer, 44.0t GCM) network maps show all approved arterial and municipal roads that operators of these Volvo semitrailer models can use, so long as operators have been issued with an NHVR access permit. Victorian LZEHVs
Vic Port Low Loader Scheme (PDF, 159KB) Movement of low loader combinations transporting flat racks and open top containers with the Port of Melbourne precinct. Port Low Loader Scheme