National Heavy Vehicle Inspection Manual

The National Heavy Vehicle Inspection Manual (NHVIM) provides a nationally consistent approach to heavy vehicle compliance and vehicle inspections.

On this page:

National Heavy Vehicle Inspection Manual (NHVIM) V3.1

 National Heavy Vehicle Inspection Manual NHVIM V3.1

National Heavy Vehicle Inspection Manual (NHVIM) V3.1 (PDF, 6MB)

The NHVIM provides authorised officers, inspectors and industry operators with a consistent criterion for heavy vehicle inspections. By carrying out inspections of vehicles using this manual, operators can ensure their vehicles comply with heavy vehicle standards and avoid penalties for non-compliance.

Individual sections of the manual can also be downloaded below:

Important note about mechanics: The Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) sets the standards that heavy vehicles must meet. It does not specify qualifications for mechanics servicing or repairing heavy vehicles. Qualifications and licensing arrangements for service providers are currently the responsibility of state-based legislative authorities that oversee the vehicle service and repair industry.

Additional inspection criteria

In Queensland, South Australia and Tasmania there are additional inspection criteria for certain vehicles due to local heavy vehicle laws.


Vehicle mounted lifting systems fitted to heavy vehicles and inspected in Queensland are subject to additional requirements as listed in Appendix Q – Stabilisers/outriggers mounted on heavy vehicles (PDF, 216KB)

South Australia

Every bus registered in South Australia must also comply with the Code of Practice for Buses.


There are additional vehicle requirements for buses, motorhomes, caravans and campervans used on Tasmanian roads as detailed in the National Heavy Vehicle Inspection Manual - Tasmanian Supplement.

Heavy vehicle standards

The HVNL requires that all heavy vehicles used on a road must comply with heavy vehicle standards, which includes both the requirements of the Australian Design Rules (ADRs) and the Heavy Vehicle (Vehicle Standards) National Regulation. These standards set out the minimum safety, emissions and anti-theft requirements that apply to heavy vehicles.

Using a heavy vehicle on a road that does not comply with these standards can result in:

  • the issue of an infringement notice
  • the issue of a defect notice.

The standards are detailed technical documents and are often not easily read or applied by inspectors, operators or drivers. The NHVIM simplifies this information so you can more clearly understand the rules and whether your vehicle complies.

In the NHVIM, each of the reasons for a vehicle rejection refers back to a heavy vehicle standard of the HVNL. For example, the reasons for rejection outlined in ‘Section 3 Couplings’ of the NHVIM can be directly related back to a requirement of either the national regulation or ADRs 62 or 63. The manual also details practical information about wear, damage or change to important systems from in-service use.

Note: While the NHVIM fully summarises the requirements of the heavy vehicle standards, it is not exhaustive and must be read in conjunction with both vehicle and component manufacturer’s specifications.


As the NHVIM is revised and updated, we publish a change log of any amendments to identify which sections have been changed.

Share your feedback

The criteria set out in the NHVIM reflect current consultation with road user groups, road transport authorities, police agencies, manufacturers and suppliers.

We seek to continually update and improve the NHVIM. Contributions and feedback can be made by completing the NHVIM feedback form (DOCX, 103KB) and sending it to