Our website contains various publications and pages detailing our services and business operations. The publication scheme is designed to act as a 'route map' to assist people in finding key information that the NHVR routinely publishes. Information in our publication scheme is grouped and accessible through seven categories:
- About us - Who we are
- Our services - Our core services
- Our finances - Pages 53-63 of our Annual Report 2023-24 (PDF, 11MB)
- Our priorities - Page 5 of our Annual Report 2023-24 (PDF, 11MB)
- Our decisions - Corporate Governance
- Our policies - NHVR policies and procedures
- Our lists and registers - Approved forms, Disclosure log, Industry Codes of Practice register
If you are unable to find information through our publication scheme or by contacting us, please consider completing a Right to Information (RTI) request.