The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) in consultation with Department of Transport and Planning Victoria (DTP VIC) will be amending access for heavy vehicles due to the opening of the West Gate Tunnel in late 2025.
The West Gate Tunnel and freeway ramps will make it easier for trucks to access the Port of Melbourne. On the opening of tunnel, access will be prohibited on six specific roads within proposed no-truck zones:
- Francis Street and Somerville Road in Yarraville
- Buckley Street and Moore Street in Footscray
- Hudsons Road in Spotswood; and
- Blackshaws Road in Altona North.
Roadside cameras monitoring the no-truck zones will gather information to assist enforcement, including potential fines for drivers and businesses that continue use of local roads within the no-truck zones following the opening of the West Gate Tunnel.
Exemptions for access to the no-truck zones may apply for trucks requiring access to destinations within the no-truck zones for deliveries, performing construction or maintenance works, the repair of the vehicle or the sale of the vehicle. If you believe you have a legal exemption and you receive an infringement, you can request a review of the infringement.
Trucks that carry dangerous goods or trucks that are over-height are restricted from using the West Gate Tunnel. However, they can utilise the new Hyde Street ramps to avoid the no-truck zones.
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Further information regarding access to the West Gate Tunnel will be available closer to the opening of the tunnel.