
I am brand new and need to get into the Portal

All councils will have an existing account in the NHVR Portal and if you are a brand-new person to your council, you will need to be added as a new user other users attached to your council account can add you. If the main person who dealt with the Portal account is no longer with the council, please Contact us.

More information on how to action your role or get support can be found on our Training and support page.

Managing heavy vehicles?

If you operate or manage heavy vehicles, you need to have an account in the Portal to apply for access separate to your road manager account.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

The NHVR is committed to the safety of heavy vehicle operators on and off the road. Multi-factor authentication is a two-step verification process required for accessing online accounts and is regarded as one of the most effective preventions against cyber criminals. Read more in the Multi-factor authentication (MFA) - FAQs.

Setting MFA up in the NHVR Portal


Performance reporting (Heat maps) can be found in the NHVR Portal under Access permits > Reports > Analytics reports. If you would like a demonstration of these reports, please contact your relevant Stakeholder Engagement Officer.

Building a Single National Network Map for Network Access

As part of yesterday's forum, a demonstration of the new NHVR national network map was provided, including the new road manager self-service tools that will allow road managers to actively maintain, and update heavy vehicle networks within their local government area.

In the next few weeks, the NHVR will start publishing the South Australia, Victoria and Australian Capital Territory maps in the Portal. The maps for New South Wales and Queensland are planned to be made available by the end of the year.

This means that map information currently held within each jurisdiction will be displayed in the one map, allowing the heavy vehicle industry to route journeys across state and territory borders from one location.

Importantly, the road manager self-service tools will allow changes to be proposed to existing networks, or the creation of new networks, including pre-approved networks, which will be managed through a workflow stored within the Portal.

A register of road ownership, created by both local and jurisdictional government nominating their ownership of roads and using the developed Road Management tools, will be a central component of keeping networks up-to-date. If a road manager is listed as the road’s owner, they will be able to apply certain restrictions, conditions or approve full access for each vehicle type.

Key benefits of the single enforceable national network map and changes coming to the Portal include:

  • A self-service tool to manage gazetted networks,
  • The enhanced ability to manage disruption to networks and publish safe updates to the network in real-time (such as during disasters),
  • The ability to manage and expand gazetted networks,
  • The ability to make quicker and more informed decisions around access based on the bridge assessments, and
  • Clearer understanding of local bridge capability to better inform heavy vehicle access.

To learn more, email spatial@nhvr.gov.au.

Next steps for the Road Management Tool

The NHVR has now completed the tooling allowing road managers to accurately claim or transfer road ownership of roads through the Portal. 
Training sessions with state, territory, local government and third parties has been completed in Vic, SA and into Qld, with over 5000 ownership changes already made, covering more than 20,000 road segments. The tool is helping to increase transparency and enable more timely access decisions, by ensuring consent requests are allocated correctly for both permits and notices.

Training sessions are run every week and are currently available for Qld Local Government Areas, with the rollout to NSW from July onwards, and Tasmania from September onwards.

Please contact spatial@nhvr.gov.au for information on upcoming dates.

Rolling out the Network Management Tool

The Network Management Tool in the Portal is now being used by the Victorian Department of Transport and will continue to be rolled out to state and territory road agencies as maps are transitioned into the Portal.

From September 2023, a pilot will be launched with local government to begin rolling out the Network Management Tools, including management of both gazetted and pre-approved network maps. We will update you with more information as this occurs.

Progressing the Vehicle Comparison tool for Bridges (VCB)

Work is progressing on the Vehicle Comparison tool for Bridges (VCB) (formerly known as ARAT) with a trial with a small number of councils to kick off this month. The VCB will allow road managers to quickly compare vehicles they nominate as being representative of bridge capability to other vehicles requesting access to the network.

This means road managers will be able to run the VCB during their consideration of access suitability within the Portal to see if the vehicle being applied for can safely travel over the bridges on the proposed route. This should streamline the assessment process and give road managers greater confidence in their determination of access on the network.

Road managers will be updated about the next stages once the trial has been completed. If your council is interested in participating in further stages of VCB testing, please contact us at roadassetproject@nhvr.gov.au.