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NHVR continues to cut red tape for Victoria

Heavy vehicle drivers transporting primary produce in Victoria have been delivered a sensible outcome that cuts paperwork while balancing the safety considerations of drivers and other road users.

Under an exemption to come into force from 5 October, heavy vehicle drivers transporting primary produce to or from 'the farm gate' will no longer have to keep a National Driver Work Diary if travelling or working less than 160km from their base.

Auditor training aims to improve maintenance standards of heavy vehicle industry

Improving the maintenance standards and safety of the heavy vehicle industry will be at the forefront of a comprehensive two day training program that got under way yesterday in Adelaide.

Organised by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR), the training program will see heavy vehicle auditors sharpening their skills and processes to strengthen the National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) and improve the safety and credibility of the industry.

National benefits to flow from heavy vehicle productivity improvements in South Australia - updated

Productivity improvements introduced for heavy vehicles in South Australia will have flow-on national benefits says NHVR Chief Executive, Sal Petroccitto.

Mr Petroccitto was speaking after the amendment to the road train notice to allow tri-axle dollies on road trains in South Australia that came into effect on 29 June 2015, and follows the recent allowance of quad road trains in South Australia from 4 June 2015.

National approach to J and P Code modifications

Since 1 July 2015 all J (body mounting) and P (tow coupling, fifth wheel and king pin installation) code heavy vehicle modifications must now be certified and approved by an approved vehicle examiner (AVE).

NHVR CEO Sal Petroccitto said that previously not all jurisdictions required that fitment of couplings and bodies be certified and the new arrangement contributes to national consistency in vehicle standards and safety.

NHVR ongoing funding and support assured

Transport ministers from across the country have reaffirmed their support for the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) at the Transport and Infrastructure Council (TIC) on 22 May 2015.

Ministers supported the ongoing financial commitment to the NHVR and endorsed the Regulators corporate plan which sets out their approach to operationalising heavy vehicle regulatory reform over the next year.

New South Wales Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight, Duncan Gay said the NHVR has been making headway in the last year in providing a more streamlined environment.

Red tape reduced for Higher Mass Limit vehicles permits in NSW

The NSW Government has taken another step to slash red tape for the heavy vehicle industry opening up to 98 per cent of the state owned road network to Higher Mass Limit (HML) vehicles.

A permit was previously required to operate HML vehicles in NSW but thanks to a recent Declaration released by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR), transport operators no longer need permits to operate eligible vehicles on assessed and approved routes which include some regional and council owned roads.

NHVR to lead development of national safety and compliance action plan

More than 30 decision-makers from Australia's road transport agencies, police services and the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) have gathered in Brisbane today to set national priorities for heavy vehicle road safety to benefit all road users.

NHVR Chief Executive, Sal Petroccitto, said that with 95% of Australia's road freight vehicles now governed by one Heavy Vehicle National Law, the time is right to develop a national approach to heavy vehicle compliance and road safety.

NHVR successful in legal action against Countrywide Marketing

The Federal Court of Australia recently awarded judgement for the national Regulator against Countrywide Marketing Pty Ltd, NHVR Pty Ltd (the companies) and their sole director, Timothy O’Keefe, for false, misleading and deceptive conduct under the Australian Consumer Law.

The judgement is the result of the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) taking action to stop the activities of Countrywide Marketing, which was falsely purporting to sell advertising space in the NHVR Roadbook, the National Heavy Vehicle Roadbook and the National Heavy Vehicle Compliance Guide.

NHVR holds PBS talks with Sweden

The masters of furniture design come to Australia for pointers on vehicle design. The NHVR Performance Based Standards (PBS) scheme was on show to two Swedish Transport Agency representatives, Mr Anders Gunneriusson and Mr Mats Willen, on Tuesday 21 April 2015.

NHVR Chief Executive, Sal Petroccitto, said the talks provided an in-depth briefing on the NHVR’s management of PBS schemes as Mr Gunneriusson and Mr Willen detailed their work to increase both mass and length limits to improve productivity of the Swedish transport fleet.

NHVR to manage Tasmanian heavy haulage permits

From Monday 4 May 2015, the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator will coordinate the process for all oversize/overmass (OSOM), agricultural and special purpose vehicle permits from start to finish.

"This is a return to standard operations under the Heavy Vehicle National Law following consultation with the Tasmanian Department of State Growth," said NHVR Chief Executive, Sal Petroccitto.

NHVR scorecard ticks the right boxes for industry

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) released its first quarterly performance scorecard at the Australian Trucking Association's (ATA) national conference today, highlighting the hard work of the Regulator and its stakeholders in delivering for industry.

Speaking in Hobart at Trucking Australia 2015, NHVR Chief Executive, Sal Petroccitto, said the scorecard was a snapshot of the Regulator's achievements over the past 9 months, delivered through strong industry and government partnerships.

On track for online applications

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) has today announced the launch of a pilot program that will allow its customers to track their road access applications online 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Chief Executive Sal Petroccitto says the NHVR has embarked on a new phase of sustainable improvement which includes looking at how to provide an improved level of service to clients.

"I would like to thank the participants from our Industry Groups that have volunteered their time to assist us in developing an application tracker as part of the AccessCONNECT Program.

Tasmania to commence national fatigue laws from 30 March 2015

From 30 March 2015, fatigue provisions of the Heavy Vehicle National Law will commence in Tasmania. The NHVR and the Department of State Growth are working closely to prepare Tasmanian operators and drivers for key changes, including introduction of the National Driver’s Work Diary, record keeping requirements and changes to work and rest hours.

The national law will cover "fatigue-regulated heavy vehicles", which are:

NHVR cuts paperwork burden for primary producers in three states

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) has extended a primary producer work diary exemption currently in place for Queensland and New South Wales to drivers in South Australia, NHVR Chief Executive Sal Petroccitto announced today.

"Industry has asked us for consistent work diary practices and less paperwork and we're delivering," said Mr Petroccitto.

NHVR congratulates new NatRoad CEO

National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) Chief Executive, Sal Petroccitto, congratulates Warwick Ragg on the announcement of his upcoming appointment as the next Chief Executive Officer of the National Road Transport Association (NatRoad).

"Warwick has over 20 years' experience in member based industry associations which will put him in good stead for advocating the best outcomes for NatRoad members and the wider heavy vehicle industry," said Mr Petroccitto.

NHVR leadership team in place for 2015

National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) Chief Executive, Sal Petroccitto, today announced three new appointments to the NHVR leadership team following a nation-wide search for the best available skill, expertise and experience to drive regulatory reform for Australia's heavy vehicle industry.

"These appointments bring new skills and capabilities to our leadership team and ensure one of the key building blocks of the NHVR's new organisational structure is in place," said Mr Petroccitto.