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SPV Crane Certification Program operating in NSW

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) and Roads and Maritime Services have collaborated with the crane industry to ensure the Special Purpose Vehicle Crane Certification Program continues in New South Wales.

NHVR Chief Executive, Sal Petroccitto, today announced that from Monday 15 December 2014, crane operators in New South Wales can continue to rely on self-declaration of the dimension and weight of particular special purpose vehicles for registration purposes.

NHVR announces leadership restructure

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) Board today announced a revised leadership structure for the Regulator.

NHVR Chief Executive, Sal Petroccitto, speaking on behalf of the Board, said the NHVR is embarking on a new phase of collaboration and partnership with industry and government, driving more responsive customer service and practical regulation.

"To be able to meet the needs of industry and partner organisations, the NHVR is implementing a revised business model and a new organisational structure," said Mr Petroccitto.

NHVR congratulates new ATA CEO

National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) Chief Executive, Sal Petroccitto, congratulates Chris Melham on the recent announcement of his appointment as the next Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Trucking Association (ATA).

"As CEO for the National Road Transport Association, Chris has worked closely with the NHVR over the past three years, advocating for change and the best outcome for Natroads members," said Mr Petroccitto.

One Regulator, one rulebook: one AFM decision

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) today announced the appointment of an independent panel to advise the NHVR on decisions it takes in relation to Advanced Fatigue Management (AFM).

NHVR Chief Executive, Sal Petroccitto, said that establishment of the NHVR Fatigue Expert Reference Group (FERG) is a major milestone in the 20-year journey to support the growth of a professional fatigue management culture in the Australian road transport industry.

NHVR provides transparency for on-road enforcement

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) has published five compliance and enforcement bulletins outlining the enforcement process for key aspects of the Heavy Vehicle National Law and what drivers can expect at the side of the road.

NHVR Chief Executive, Sal Petroccitto, said the bulletins were drafted to help operators and drivers understand how compliance with the national law is assessed regarding vehicle access; dimension, mass and vehicle standards requirements; and carriage of documents.

NHVR cuts paperwork burden for industry

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) has cut the paperwork drivers need in the cab with the release of the Carriage and presentation of documents bulletin and the Notices that must be carried fact sheet.

NHVR Chief Executive, Sal Petroccitto said the two publications provide certainty to drivers and operators of the documents they need to carry with them.

"The cabin of a truck is not meant to be a filing cabinet," said Mr Petroccitto.

New laws for loading heavy vehicles makes industry's job easier

The juggling act to balance mass on heavy vehicles will be easier for many operators with the introduction today of the 1-Tonne Tri-Axle Mass Transfer Allowance (1TMTA).

CEO of the NTC Paul Retter said the 1TMTA promotes more efficient use of vehicle load space by allowing flexibility in distributing the weight of a truck’s load across its axles.

Industry to have a say on opportunities to improve heavy vehicle roadworthiness

The National Transport Commission (NTC) and the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) are calling for submissions on potential improvements to safety outcomes for the heavy vehicle industry as part of the National Heavy Vehicle Roadworthiness Program.

NTC Chief Executive, Paul Retter, and NHVR Chief Executive, Sal Petroccitto, today released the second of two foundation reports on Australia's current roadworthiness systems.

"We've now completed the second step in the four-stage process of this program," Mr Retter said.

NHVR issues first safety and compliance alert

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator has issued its first safety and compliance alert to industry following early observations of investigators on the recent fatal fuel tanker crash in country Victoria.

NHVR Chief Executive, Sal Petroccitto, released the alert ahead of the completion of the investigation since it offered important and practical advice that operators could act on promptly.

"Our mission is to Facilitate, Innovate, Regulate and issuing timely safety advice to industry is one of the key tasks of a national Regulator," said Mr Petroccitto.

Extra horsepower through PBS

The CUB Clydesdale team found a novel way to get more "horsepower" in their latest semi-trailer combination with a Performance-Based Standards (PBS) approved horse float.

National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) Chief Executive, Sal Petroccitto, said the vehicle combination shows that PBS is not just about productivity gains but also innovative and optimised vehicle design.

NHVR improving heavy vehicle safety and efficiency three ways - Facilitate, Innovate and Regulate

NHVR CEO, Sal Petroccitto, used his address to the NatRoad Annual Conference in Adelaide today to highlight the progress on its work program and outline the future for the NHVR and the heavy vehicle industry.

"We're on the road to One Regulator, one rulebook and our role on that journey is to facilitate, innovate and regulate," said Mr Petroccitto.

"In all three of those areas, we will continue to refine and improve the way we do business and the outcomes we achieve, together with our industry and government partners.

Make the switch to the new work diary this weekend

Heavy vehicle drivers and operators must make the switch to the new National Driver Work Diary by this weekend.

National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) Chief Executive, Sal Petroccitto, says Sunday, 10 August, marks the end of the six-month change-over period following the introduction of the new work diary on 10 February 2014.

"From midnight, 12.00am, on Monday morning, 11 August, drivers need to be recording their work and rest time in the new work diary," said Mr Petroccitto.

Advertising warning – Countrywide Marketing

National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) Chief Executive, Sal Petroccitto is urging operators to take care in dealing with companies or individuals who may be selling advertising space in publications using words and images that imply a connection to the NHVR where none exists.

"Recently, we have received many enquiries about a company called Countrywide Marketing purporting to sell advertising space in the 'NHVR Roadbook' or 'National Heavy Vehicle Roadbook'," said Mr Petroccitto.

Heavy vehicle roadworthiness review on track for safer roads

JOINT RELEASE - National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) and National Transport Commission (NTC)

The National Transport Commission (NTC) and the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) today announced the completion of Phase One of their joint Heavy Vehicle Roadworthiness Review, with the publication of a report examining current practice in heavy vehicle roadworthiness across the nation.

CEO of the NTC Paul Retter said Australia’s transport industry deserved cost-effective, evidence-based safety solutions.

Smart trucks arrive in nation’s capital

Performance-Based Standards (PBS) smart trucks are now on the roads in the nation’s capital, as Ron Finemore Transport delivers goods and produce to local Woolworths’ stores, using 20-metre long PBS semi-trailer combinations newly approved for the Australian Capital Territory.

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) Chief Executive, Sal Petroccitto, said the innovative PBS vehicle combinations meant fewer trucks, less congestion and better safety outcomes all delivering less impact on the ACT community.

Early reminder to book auditors as NHVAS booms

All operators accredited under the National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) will now benefit from three months advanced notice of when audits are due.

National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) CEO Sal Petroccitto said the NHVR had listened to operators and increased the NHVAS audit reminder period from one month to three months ahead of the due date.

“Many accredited operators told us that a one-month advance reminder just wasn’t long enough,” Mr Petroccitto said.

Red tape reduced for Qld primary industry

Heavy vehicle drivers who carry out primary production journeys in Queensland will no longer have to carry and record information in a National Driver Work Diary if travelling or working under 160km from their base.

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator’s (NHVR) newly appointed CEO, Sal Petroccitto, today announced that from 1 June 2014, the work diary exemption area would increase from a 100km to 160km radius for Queensland primary producers and their transport providers.

NHVR CEO appointed

The Board of the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) has today announced the appointment of Mr Sal Petroccitto as Chief Executive, following a nationwide recruitment search.

Mr Petroccitto joins the NHVR from the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, bringing extensive knowledge of heavy vehicle regulation to this challenging role.